Last thing they should do is cave to the nostalgia train (which everyone claims to hate, but cries when it's not observed).
Let Scott finish his vision - at a profit to the studio - and when he's done Blomkamp and other fans can get roasted by the internet when their concept art doesn't live up to the "hype."
Internet will be happy because it's an online failure, real world will be happy because the studio made money and the normies were entertained.
It's not as delicate a balance as it seems.
Just offering my 2 cents re someone who was sorta planning on seeing this, but passed because:
1) IMO Prometheus was a huge disappointment. Srsly. Was so hyped from the trailers and paid for myself and friend to go to upscale plush theater w. special system blah blah and then phhhtttt.
2) So, OK, figured they'd correct some of the *illogic* of Promtheus and this is one of my favorite directors
3) Did some reading plot etc. Read comments. *Sigh*. Passed because IMO from the sound of it, a. Sounds like film, overall, is trying to kill people off in most grotesque ways possible with alien culture and b. TOO MUCH EXPLAINING of origin of everything, and that EXPLAINING sounds to me a bit strained and/or hard to keep track of. Or maybe I don't even wanna know, because Hitchcock among other directors knew re horror a lot of times it's best to NOT explain. That's part of the fear, like the classic "The Birds".
Not saying Scott shouldn't have done that; it's obvious a lot of fans love the extensions of the story. But to me this isn't Star Wars where it makes sense to extend the universe and like that, because by default SW a HUGE universe w. lots of potential stories. You could make up anything and it'd fit.
Well, anyway, reading this and that, Covenant just started to feel fatiguing/over-explained/too much shock value/strained. I don't want Covenant to fail. I'm happy if real fans of the franchise are happy w. more films. I'll probably catch it on cable. Just sayin' one movie-goers perspective as to why I passed re the theater, and maybe re the BO other folks might have felt the same way.