Re: Prometheus Sequel (2017)
Interesting. Which Alien film emerged as your favourite having only watched them for the first time last year?
That's a damn good question - him watching them all only recently and current-day (as opposed to having "real time" expectations set as they were released) gives a perspective that most of us did not have.
Will be interested to read the response.
I'd have to say Alien was my favorite of the entire line (excluding any AVP stuff, considering I've also yet to see any Predator film). Why? For several reasons, the bias reasons are: Hurt is a favorite actor of mine, Harry Dean Stanton, is well...HDS.

Sigourney Weaver looks the best in this film (not a fan of short hair, so didn't like Aliens, shaved Ripley, or passed-your-prime Weaver in Resurrection.
For the actual cinematography and story, I like the authentic and simple use of one Alien. Not a lot seemed "fake" except for the part where Ripley is escaping on the pod; and the alien was blown out the pod. The characters themselves had a huge range. Ash was a bastard and it seemed quite authentic in the way how I can assume an android would be prejudice to a human. Dallas had that sort of leadership where you hated the guy but could respect; like breaking quarantine with Kane. Hurt pulling off the chestburster was fantastic acting. Also loved how true the emotions displayed by everyone during that scene.
It also was quite chilling simply with the words: Crew Expandable. Like, how can one not be so chilled by that? Probably a favorite line next to HAL's stuff of 2001. Score was also impacting, however, I'm not one to really follow soundtrack, but sound and audio are always something I do enjoy especially in a survival based film.
I've seen the film maybe 3 more times since last year's viewing, and I can say it'll probably always be a favorite for me.
Aliens would come as second, but with a huge gap. I don't really gather how it's as popular as it is. However, I'll say it's my displacement from the launch of the film. I can say with certainty that I still don't follow, nor care for Paxton's Game Over. The Queen was something too, pretty crazy! I would say that I really only liked Bishop and Hicks; and Newt had me feeling the feels at time. As for story, the only thing that had me was how Ripley was asleep for 57 years, and the bit of Ripley's daughter. After that, I just was phased by it.
Resurrection and A3 are still good films IMO, but I think it largely had to do with the cast. Perlman, Dance, and so on. I also had a crush with Winona since Edward Scissorhands, so I didn't mind the fourth lol. But the dependency of multiple aliens and shotty effects had me turned off. But I still don't mind watching them; but still won't top Alien.
Prometheus though, I'd put that above Aliens. I can see where people were turned off, but being huge into comics and games and how the sequels but not related and stuff; I can get by. I love the cast in it; and effects were gorgeous. Overall good Sci-Fi flick; but for putting into the timeline of Alien? It has flaws, quite a few contradictions. But still, I enjoy it.
It's a close third with A3. Probably has to do with Ryder's presence lol.