Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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So...I saw Alien Covenant yesterday.

I really liked it and I really don´t get the hate.

You expect another "Alien" and hated Prometheus? You´ll be disappointed, very disappointed. Stay away and keep watching Alien and Aliens, which will prolly be your favs.

You are going into the next chapter of the prequels, have a realistic thinking of what this is and liked Prometheus? Congratulations, you will be entertained and will probably like it.

It has fan service, a great continuation, awesome music, great visuals, 1, or 2 seat hoppers, but totally expendable characters.

I´m giving it a strong 8/10.

Don´t get me wrong: I don´t wanna get in anyones face, but if you expect another Alien then you are just wrong, compare on the wrong level and just miss the fact that Scott had the itch to get back to his baby. Same as Cameron, he has lost his edge through Hollywood.

Alien was Scott´s baby, Terminator was Cameron´s. There WILL NEVER be another one like it. Plain and simple.

So...take this post, fast forward to T6 and apply there.
It will happen the same way.
I dug it. Easily my favorite since the first two. I wish it were longer so it had some time to breath but as a whole I really liked it. I enjoy philosophical musings on creation and David is a great villain for this series. I'll have more thoughts after I have a chance to sleep on it but right now I haven't felt this good seeing an Alien film for the first time since Aliens. I guess for those who hated everything past Aliens that doesn't mean much but I still feel this was a worthy entry to carry the Alien title. I do hope for the next one they get back to the Engineers a bit because I would like to know more about that plot line.

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Now, this is shocking stuff from Ain't It Cool News

"Visually, this film is gorgeous! You are in for a treat and I highly recommend seeing in it in the best 3-D available in your area. Regardless of how you feel about the story, it’s damned pretty."

..erm.. Alien Covenant isn't available in 3D. So this is obviously a paid for review. Hilarious.

"Exciting and imaginative, Alien: Covenant is my favorite new sci-fi horror movie. I am truly excited about the franchise again and curious to see what Scott pulls out of his sleeve for the next one."
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Seeing it for the second time tonight. I liked it the first time, but didn't quite love it. The acting is great, especially compared to Prometheus, but it seems to suffer from being an in between, sitting between two chairs, kind of movie. Cleaning up after Prometheus and having to connect to the simplicity of Alien. And it could have been longer. But I still think it looks stunning (even if some of the cgi looks a bit clunky in IMAX) and it's immersive. Looking forward to Awakening.
I hate seeing movies by myself. But Ridley's going to the Chinese theater screening so he won't be at the Fox screening, another reason not to go. Besides, there will be another screening this week or next thru the PGA...

Is this something that needs to be seen on the big screen? Good thing about seeing this at Fox is they have insane 3D.

You are a producer in Hollywood?

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