I'm sure the people telling him on Facebook that 100 es is high are flippers.

I'm sure the people telling him on Facebook that 100 es is high are flippers.
Very cool!
Has it been determined how to go about preordering Evil Ryu and the ES?
I like the idea of having a time-limited preorder period. In this case, I think a 24-hour window can be implemented. Only 1 order per name/address and anyone who is able to place the order during that time frame is guaranteed one. I think this method is less stressful than other methods and the ES will still remain fairly exclusive. Even if the 24-hour period resulted in 250 presold, that is still very exclusive.
Very cool!
Has it been determined how to go about preordering Evil Ryu and the ES?
I like the idea of having a time-limited preorder period. In this case, I think a 24-hour window can be implemented. Only 1 order per name/address and anyone who is able to place the order during that time frame is guaranteed one. I think this method is less stressful than other methods and the ES will still remain fairly exclusive. Even if the 24-hour period resulted in 250 presold, that is still very exclusive.
Is it limited to 1 per person?
So the PO will require to register, order, checkout and pay via paypal ... that's a lot of steps especially the registration