Except we can't, because the e-mail hasn't been sent out and the site is crashed.
-didn't know people could order in person at SDCC, while i see it could help pushing sales, it doesn't sound so great given how limited E.Ryu is, even if the website was running
That's the biggest ***** of this. The fact that they're selling these in person while they know we can't get into the website is infuriating.
Well, it's cancelled until tomorrow night at 6 PM PST.
Erick said in a live stream that nobody had bought one yet (at the convention or on the site), so that's good news.
Site is still down. Is there a different way to register an account and password?
Do you know if it will be possible to transfer a preorder to someone else?
I'll have to try and pick 2x of E.Ryu again for my friend (since PO is again at 3am here), if he makes an account will I be able to move his copy to him?
Yes I mean, since I have to buy 2 now with my account, can I then transfer 1 to his account? This way his one has shipping address, phone number etc already filled when it ships