I don't see why not, RAM is super cheap
If its 4GB of Video Card RAM (VRAM) that's pretty damn excellent and I highly doubt that's what we're getting for these consoles...
4GB of just RAM is nothing... you can get that for like 15 bucks. The specs said the system memory is 8GB (which is RAM). 8 is fine, we barely utilize that much for a game now even.
If we get a 4gb of Vcard RAM prepare to pay out the *** for a new system. No way they will do that. I just hope they keep the prices reasonable.
Regardless of specs, the prices will be reasonable. They don't have a choice there. Consoles are just expected to come in at a certain price point for the general public to buy them. I could still see these being $600 though. Might be too much for a lot of people. How does Timmy convince his folks to get him a $600 gift for Christmas. Might be tough.
Yeah 600 is not reasonable at allbut specs do effect the price of the console. Better specs = higher they have to charge to make any money. Either way no matter the price I wont be buying right away. The only game that could possibly get me to buy on launch is Final Fantasy or Persona 5 but I highly doubt either one of those would be a launch title.
wasnt the PS3 $600USD at release?
it was $1000 AUD here
Its a good price if this is the system they're selling. But you are proving my point about what people are willing to except in console pricing. That's why they always take such huge losses early on. They have to almost give away the hardware and I'm sure thats why they've waited this long to move on to the next generation. Those first couple years are a little rough.
wasnt the PS3 $600USD at release?
it was $1000 AUD here
Yeah. There were riots in the streets too LOL For what you were getting, the price was very reasonable, but it's the mental hump that people have when it comes to consoles.
well it was a different era with a very different A/US exchange rate.
There won't be that sort of price difference with the launch of the new systems.
The thing is they won't be putting a 4gb vid card in a console. The card it self would cost them way too much money. BUT if they did 600 would be a hell of a price considering a 4gb vid card for a computer can cost upwards to 800-1000 dollars by it self. I guess we will wait and see at E3 maybe earlier?
$800? GTX 670 with 4GB DDR5 is $450 and way above what they would have for the console