Will still be getting both.
Don't forget the creepy camera that spies on you, and is supported by the NSA!
PS4 for me, no contest. If you want an Xbox One, you must like having an abusive relationship where they don't trust you, constantly check-in with you, spy on you (PRISM), and won't let you share anything with friends.
With the price point. Shared games. Play used. No internet to play. Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3. PS4 hands down.
Where's my Uncharted 4, 5 and 6 announcements, though? ARGH!!!!!!!
Isn't it a bit too soon for another Uncharted? I also want the next one but I think I can wait.
Yeah, I don't disagree one one level. Its the fan side of me that's impatient. Uncharted 3 wasn't my fav, but was still a worthy addition
That said, really excited for The Last of Us