I'm really curious how this is going to go.
This is a complete turn-around from the last generation where X-Box seemed to get its route done and out and Sony was playing catch-up as well as fumbling with their own online systems.
One thing that I think it's clear to point out is that Sony, right now, NEEDS the customers. The whole PS network being hacked scared a lot of people off and so I'm sure that has steered some of their policy here.
Nevertheless, they drew a CLEAR line in the sand. Catering to gamers, none of the online crap that has been a bomb and a fiasco for Microsoft. It's going to be VERY interesting to see how MS reacts to this. Are they going to stick to their guns? Are they going to back down?
X-BOX has a very loyal and established fanbase right now and ever since this announcement of their DRM policy, they have shook all their fans. Well, right now Sony opened their doors wide open for everyone to convert.
I want to stay with X-BOX, but Sony has just made it easier. Time to trade in the old girl for a new one.
Yet, there's still plenty of time. And it really depends to see how Microsoft reacts to this. They can very well back out of their policy implications and try the approach that Sony is taking which MAY save them a little bit. Or revise their complete policy structure on this. Sony has been smart, sitting back and letting Microsoft draw the heat and shoot themselves in the foot while waiting to see what to do next.