Pssst - Smuggler Han images in Prod Blog...

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Looks to be one of the best or the most accurate sculpt I've seen of him.

Might need some tweaks in the paint (not to say it's terrible)

Where are the other pics? when do those show up?
Oh thank God for the diversity of sculptors! That's the beauty and joy of Sideshow and collectibles in general. you have all kinds of people making all kinds of different work. There's room for everyone and almost every piece finds its audience.

OMG -- perfect likeness! BEST SOLO EVER! And Jones will just as good!

That's makes two, kid.

I had no doubts, Trev!


Thanks Dusty.. and WG.. and Trev. I have NOT commented on this piece until I saw an unpainted sculpt... for obvious reasons.

SSC, you have to do SOMETHING with your paint apps to do this sculpt the justice it deserves, and that means painting it properly... get the best shop on it... too many inconsistencies with you guys there, and it is compromising your rep. Seriously, QC is still an issue... please fix it. :D
Oh thank God for the diversity of sculptors! That's the beauty and joy of Sideshow and collectibles in general. you have all kinds of people making all kinds of different work. There's room for everyone and almost every piece finds its audience.


I totally agree! And with that being said, I'm glad you did the Indy sculpt. :D
All I know is that it is one HELL of an amazing sculpt, and it will be a pleasure to paint when the time comes. :rock

Great work Trev, I knew you knocked it out of the park bro. :lol
I never had any doubt, it's a perfect young Harrison Ford as Han Solo. :rock
Hope I manage to pre-order the exclusive!
There are some fine painters at SSC as well - but a single photo, from a single angle, shot to completely light the product rather than with shadows to give it character - that's where most of the complaints come from. It's not necessarily the paint job or the sculpt.
Man I'm really stoked for this figure... and somehow even more excited to get our first glimpses of the completed Indy :rock
Now THAT is what I've been waiting to see. These shots and the preview pic are from different planets altogether. This is a perfect sculpt!

I think you guys in Cali can hear my BIG sigh of relief from over here in the east coast. :lol

Super sculpt, i love it. But what did SSC with this sculpt? It can´t be only the painting?! Bad picture?