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Just FYI I am still trying to get this last project wrapped up and then will tackle the other parts I am still taking orders and will do so for about 2 weeks after I show the other items.

thanks for all the nice comments!

cant wait for the custom hands and guns Pat :rock hoping they arrive in time for when my Punisher PF arrives end of this month :panic: :panic:
That is the goal! I will be takin my time with the molding process to ensure that the casts come out much cleaner which helps with getting them done quicker.
im leaning that way, but as im new to this awesome hobby i wasnt sure if this is a piece that will grow with time in popularity or it will always be around the same price?
I say, buy a different statue! :)
I don't like this one that much. Get the comiquette! I actually finally saw this in person at my local comic shop today, and I think there are many better PF's out there. If this is your fav character though, I would go with the comiquette. If you have to go 1/4 scale, then go for this one. I don't think this will ever hit grail status though.
I say, buy a different statue! :)
I don't like this one that much. Get the comiquette! I actually finally saw this in person at my local comic shop today, and I think there are many better PF's out there. If this is your fav character though, I would go with the comiquette. If you have to go 1/4 scale, then go for this one. I don't think this will ever hit grail status though.


Thats like, just your opinion, man.

Its a character that is not likely to be revisited any time soon.

They only made 1350 total.

Excellent paint aplication.

Finished product looks just like the Proto.

Why would anyone not expect this to be extremely hard to find in the future?
After just getting the Pursuit of the Ark with a lackluster job from SSC's that I am trying to get either a replacement or refund, I at least remember how perfect the delivery of The Punisher was. It's one of my favorite PF's and just looks awesome.
Watch the youtube review, it will help you make your choice...
I didn't jump on this one right away because I thought the pose looked a little feminine. Then I imagined him holding an Uzi with a rocket launcher on his back...suddenly this was a must have. Even without the custom additions this piece has grown on me. If it wasn't for snow in TX :gah: mine would have arrived yesterday.
I am going to write a review on this bad boy soon, as well, but in summary...this PF turned out great.

I'll look forward to it :) Mine should hopefully be arriving at the end of this month.

Didn't realise there were only 1350 made of these in total. Glad I'll be one of them :yess:
I didn't jump on this one right away because I thought the pose looked a little feminine. Then I imagined him holding an Uzi with a rocket launcher on his back...suddenly this was a must have. Even without the custom additions this piece has grown on me. If it wasn't for snow in TX :gah: mine would have arrived yesterday.

Yeah some of these Idiots here in Texas do not know how to drive in Snow and Ice, just stay home and drive slow and be safe, Fast, well all I can say is I have seen a lot of Carnage here lately, hope you get The Punisher soon

BTW I saw some replacement hands on the Ebay for said Punisher, holding different types of weapons

Be Cool
I'll look forward to it :) Mine should hopefully be arriving at the end of this month.

Didn't realise there were only 1350 made of these in total. Glad I'll be one of them :yess:

I'm gonna have me some Punisher loving too!!! :rock Totally digging this PF despite not liking it throughout the early stages. Mine's coming with your one Steve and I cant wait also! :yess:
I just got a reg Punisher PF and I love it! My favorite part is the head sculpt and paint job. The head looks very realistic and is more detailed than the head sculpt of most statues I've seen. I used to collect Hot Toys figures and I think the head sculpt of this PF is comparable to the head sculpt quality of Hot Toys figures, which is a compliment coming from me.

The magnet on the hand holding the gun strong enough to hold it without making me afraid that it will fall someday. On the other hand, the magnet on the hand with the brass knuckles is very strong. I was also lucky because the foot peg was easy to insert onto the base. I've heard from other people that the fit was very tight so they had to be very careful not to damaged the foot peg and/or base.

I highly recommend this statue to those who are still on the fence. The reg is still available at Sideshow and personally, I am not a big fan of the knife so even if I had the EX I will probably display this PF using the hand with brass knuckles (no knife) anyway.