Super Freak
I wonder who I had talked to who helped me decide on some of my new rules....

Here is an older post I made when someone asked me about my vision for my collection. Thought I would post it because it seems that many others here are starting to do similar things with their collection.
You can either read or skip this upcoming long winded post as I have basically made these 4 rules for myself which sort of sums up what I was trying to say.
1. It has to be something that I loved as a younger child or teen that I still love today. It had to have a huge impact on my film and or entertainment tastes. So it can't be something from say like Lord of the Rings.. Because while I love those films I did not love them when I was younger. Yes Hulk is from the Avengers but I thought he was the best Hulk out there so it counts.
2. Only one representation of film or comic (no more then one hulk for example) though I am sort of breaking that rule with Joker and Batman. JAWS is also the exception because....well...It's JAWS .
3. I can only have up to 8 items.. Just don't have room for more. But that is why the rules are there.
4. I can't put the family in debt.... If a better statue comes out I have to sell something so that the funds come from my own items and not my job or my wifes job.... Presents don't count.
Anyways here is the much longer response I made.