Statue Quarantine conan the brutal

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the switch out sword is in the box ..
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Agreed. I think I will end my Conan representation with Fury of the beast and Conan the Brutal due to space.
I agree. Look at this face :clap


Looking at this one again and comparing the other Conan pieces coming out. This is my favorite Conan. No gimmicks, girls, creatures, just raw Conan power as an experienced veteran . After this one I love the white ape SS Conan. I know some wish this was 1/4 scale but I for one will be so happy with it
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Looking at this one again and comparing the other Conan pieces coming out. This is my favorite Conan. No gimmicks, girls, creatures, just raw Conan power as an experienced veteran . After this one I love the white ape SS Conan. I know some wish this was 1/4 scale but I for one will be so happy with it
And great nipples unlike the Arnie Conan PF :lol

Look forward to see the variations on the paint ups of those, like me, getting the unpainted kit :lecture
This piece is as perfect and classic as one can get. I have the repaint'painting bug myself too. Time is so much a factor too. If I had no family and health issues it would be a different story. Sauron took a lot of time and my wife doesn't like to forget to let me know. I'm the type of guy that once I start I keep going till I'm done.
This piece is as perfect and classic as one can get. I have the repaint'painting bug myself too. Time is so much a factor too. If I had no family and health issues it would be a different story. Sauron took a lot of time and my wife doesn't like to forget to let me know. I'm the type of guy that once I start I keep going till I'm done.

I've learned to try and paint in chunks now, it gives me time to have a step back and a re-think in case I start to go wrong. The armour/ weponry colours will be fun to decide on.
I bought the painted version. If I do a repaint on him it would be a more of a dirtier Look I've just fought someone a minute ago look.
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The more I look at this one the more I like it. Straight forward calm demeanor and a nice contrast to all the other ones. Detail all around its good too, my only gripe are how scar free his legs are. Seems to be more texture on his torso. I could paint the legs to look like he's wearing leather pants I guess. And I love the horns. :yess:
The more I look at this one the more I like it. Straight forward calm demeanor and a nice contrast to all the other ones. Detail all around its good too, my only gripe are how scar free his legs are. Seems to be more texture on his torso. I could paint the legs to look like he's wearing leather pants I guess. And I love the horns. :yess:

I believe that legs scars have been added now :lecture
Check the Quarantine site. It's been up for pre order there since last month and they were offering free shipping in the US.
I like this statue a lot. The overall sculpt for the head and torso look great.

The only thing that looks a little odd is the right leg, it looks like it's from a action figure. It needs more detail especially when looking at the battle scared torso.

This is the only negative thing I can see in this nicely executed statue.
Do you have any pics? The ones on the Quarantine (and SS) site still show this one.

I haven't seen any updated pics just a statement from the sculptor William Pacquet.
I'll be sending this baby to Paul Moore for a paint up!!