Re: Queen Studios Collectibles - Terminator 2 - T-800 & T-1000 1:1 Busts and 1:4 Stat
Really? Really? Arnold bust looks "NOTHING" like him!? WTF are you smoking or are you just being a troll because you know these will be out of your price range? On a scale of 0-100 for likeness you are saying the bust is 0 if it looks NOTHING like him. I think you need to get your eyes checked. The hair can use some work and I'm sure they will make some small refinements.
Dude, STFU seriously. OK, maybe I was a little harsh saying it looks nothing like him, but it does need a lot of work in my opinion. It's a damn forum and I'm allowed to have my opinion. Did your feelings get hurt because I don't like this bust? Because my opinion is not the same as yours that makes me a troll?

and attacking me on a personal level because I don't see the likeness in the Arnie bust? Wow. You're a loser and need to grow up. You also know nothing about my finances or what I can and can't afford, so lose the elitist mentality.
I love how some members like you are quick to judge and assume that because someone does not like a collectible it means it’s out of their price range

I’ve bought pieces more expensive than this bust…not that I need to prove anything to you.
Snoop101 is right, some of you guys seriously need to lighten up. I can't believe some of the responses here just because I said the Arnie bust looks nothing like him, lol. The way some people on this forum carry on, you’d think that you personally made this piece. Get a grip guys, it’s the internet. People will express their opinions and not everyone will agree with you or like the same stuff, especially when it comes to this hobby. I own some pieces that some people think are horrible, like the Predator Maquette, and guess what? I don't care what they think...I like it and that's all that matters to me.
It’s great that Queen Studios are taking feedback on board and working on these pieces to make them perfect. I loved their Wolverine bust so I have faith that they can get this one right. I’m a die hard Terminator fan, its in my top 3 movies of all time. I just simply want awesome collectibles from this film like everyone else, but currently I don’t like the way these look. When I look at the Arnold bust I see a stunt double. I'm not sure if I will buy these due to a lack of space for life size busts, but I want them to get these right as I want their 1/4 statues to look perfect. I'm still waiting for a perfect set of 1/4 statues of the battle damaged T800 and T1000.
'Laughably bad' and while 'a decent likeness'?
While I can agree T800 isn't as great as T1000, but still way better than any existing mass produced Arnold bust ( or even most of those comission pieces).
See above mate. Probably wrong choice of words and maybe a little harsh, but the Arnie one just looks like a stunt double to me. The mouth area looks alright, but above that needs a lot of work. I never compared to any current Arnold bust, but if we're going to go there I would say Chronicle's 1:2 bust from Genisys has a much better likeness, it just lacks the realism of this bust.
These busts look incredibly realistic and look museum quality, but the likeness needs work. If I'm spending 2500 USD on a bust, I would want it to look spot on to the actor. The problem I find with a lot of these pieces that use real hair is that it's hard to get the hair right. It's great when the company can pull it off as it makes for a very realistic bust/statue, but if it's not done well the whole piece can suffer. Cinemaquette is a great example. Expensive pieces due to the materials used, but the hair usually looks pretty bad.
Thanks for not being a douche like the other guy though.