That looks pretty amazing. I am going to have to consider getting both of these.........maybe.
I am cosnidering them both also to be honest. Are these limited numbers?
They're good but I dunno, I think the bigger and the more lifelike you go, the more perfect your likeness has to be otherwise you're in the uncanny valley territory and I think that's what we have here.
Still, very good and very nicely presented.
... 10 bucks says we will see at least one collector post a photo with the T 1000s finger up their nose.
That is too high class for this forum... more like up their ass, not their nose.
Thanks for contributing to the lack thereof...That is too high class for this forum...
T1000 bust is up at Spec Fiction, $3250!
Fair price.
Think about those super hero busts, no likeness involved whatsoever, cheap polystone (even hollow), no punched hair at all, no glass eyes...etc, and they cost almost half.
T1000 bust is up at Spec Fiction, $3250!