Queen Studios / InArt to do sixth scale figures

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Idk. Their Gandalf was the biggest disappointment to me. On so, so many levels.

I still hold hope. It's their early days, whatever. But for ever good looking Gandalf that's past my eyes, there's at least 10 more right behind it that look a gd hot mess.

And these aren't figs in the hands of people that "don't know how to ect"

They are in the hands of folks I've seen in this hobby for years.

Their Joker is beyond trash (again, on many different levels) imo. I'm tired of this company being held as the Second Coming when my eyes don't lie to me.

They are putting **** out. Period.

If you want that title, earn it.
Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way but we do seem to be a minority
Can I ask why? What was disappointing about it? I have seen some horrible Gandalfs, but often due to no futzing or styling whatsoever.
Gandalf is fine overall. My disappointments lie with QC issues or sort of lack of design/planning appropriately on InArt's part that took away from the overall joy.

Hands not fitting properly on the wrists due to the holes not being deep enough once the magnets were inserted. Not only does this cause the hands to not fit well, but it also makes the overall length of the arms too long to get the thumb of the hands through the thumbholes.

Weak magnets in the base and/or feet.

My base has a few paint chips along one edge right out of the box.

Not an issue that I had, but the whole ring debacle with later batches having the really crummy ring with InArt at first denying there was anything wrong until enough ppl complained for them to correct the issue.

The headsculpt is beautiful, no doubt about that, but the rest feels fairly on par for today's standards or even less so with the QC issues that InArt are working through.

As for my comment that you quoted, I was more or less really agreeing with his statement of "I'm tired of this company being held as the Second Coming when my eyes don't lie to me."

I also don't see them as the end all be all. Just another player in the game. Yes, they boosted the hobby forward and I commend them for that, but I still feel more confident when I open a HT figure that I won't have any sort of QC issues vs an InArt figure. They have beautiful prototypes that make me want to cheer them on and does get me excited in the moment, but that eventually fades. I'm happy to see their work and have had every release on order except Pennywise and now MJ, but I have yet to be blown away like others have when I open the box. Maybe that will change with Aragorn. Now, getting and seeing my first JND piece in hand this year, that blew me away.
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Wonder Festival- Shangai is next month, any word on what we may see or hope to see?
Would love to see the updated Reeve Superman and a new Batman figure of either Bale or Afleck.

Also do you know if Inart has the license for Indiana Jones. Would really love to see a figure of the original movie. I dont know why but the gloved hand looks the best for Indy lol
I just hope we finally see this rumored BvS Batfleck. A glimpse of Baleman, something, and last but not least, the proto figure I’m most interested in, Daenerys Targaryen.

An announcement stating they have secured Disney would be a dream.

Huffing on that copium that the CSM figures are still coming in 1/6, if they are not at WF I am truly giving up hope
My wishlist
- Knightmare Batfleck to go with Supes
- Indiana Jones (might buy two)
- Rick (TWD)
- Neo (Matrix)
- Freddy Krueger (Pennywise so well done couldnt imagine this guy)
For stuff I can see INART make (some things have already been talked about), I’d walk off into the sunset if these were made. These would be my essentials, anything else is icing on the cake. Y’all should share your wishlist too :wacky

• TDK Batman
• TDK Two Face
• TDKR Catwoman
• TDKR Bane
• ‘22 Catwoman
• BvS Batman (main suit)
• BvS Wonder Woman
• Arkham Asylum Batman
• T1 Police Station Shootout Arnie
• T2 Uncle Bob w/ Harley bike & John Connor
• T2 Future War Endoskeleton
• Matrix 1 Neo
• FOTR Frodo & Sam (bonus if they throw in Gollum)
• GoT Astapor Daenerys (S3 blue dress)
• GoT Night’s Watch Jon Snow
• Dune Part I Chani or Part 2 Paul & Chani
• TWD Sheriff Rick Grimes w/ horse
• BrBa Walt & Jesse
• BCS Jimmy McGill or Saul Goodman
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89 Batman
Returns Batman with clean mask and damage mask with Bruce head sculpt
Returns Michelle Catwoman with mask and a fully unmasked head sculpt
I also don't see them as the end all be all. Just another player in the game. Yes, they boosted the hobby forward and I commend them for that, but I still feel more confident when I open a HT figure that I won't have any sort of QC issues vs an InArt figure. They have beautiful prototypes that make me want to cheer them on and does get me excited in the moment, but that eventually fades. I'm happy to see their work and have had every release on order except Pennywise and now MJ, but I have yet to be blown away like others have when I open the box. Maybe that will change with Aragorn. Now, getting and seeing my first JND piece in hand this year, that blew me away.

Yeah, my Gandalf is still boxed up. The issue with the hands was significant to me. If a figure has problems holding their accessories, that needs to be addressed. Jedha Patrol confirmed that Aragorn has the same magnet hands, so I am not looking forward to that figure anymore

When Aragorn was announced, I pre-ordered that one and Gandalf because I thought it would be awesome to own two life-like figures. But once I got Gandalf in hand, it was a situation where everything felt so high-end and 'fragile' that I was afraid to even touch it. It reminded me of the time with the HT Origins Wolverine figure, where they painted the stubble on the neck and they put a disclaimer in that said "Be careful moving the head, it might scrape the paint off the neck." And it's just like, if even basic playability will ruin the figure, I think we've gone too far.

I'm certainly feeling the unintended consequences of pushing the hobby too far.
Yeah, my Gandalf is still boxed up. The issue with the hands was significant to me. If a figure has problems holding their accessories, that needs to be addressed. Jedha Patrol confirmed that Aragorn has the same magnet hands, so I am not looking forward to that figure anymore

When Aragorn was announced, I pre-ordered that one and Gandalf because I thought it would be awesome to own two life-like figures. But once I got Gandalf in hand, it was a situation where everything felt so high-end and 'fragile' that I was afraid to even touch it. It reminded me of the time with the HT Origins Wolverine figure, where they painted the stubble on the neck and they put a disclaimer in that said "Be careful moving the head, it might scrape the paint off the neck." And it's just like, if even basic playability will ruin the figure, I think we've gone too far.

I'm certainly feeling the unintended consequences of pushing the hobby too far.
Yup, same. My Gandalf is still in the box. I take it out every now and then to check it out, but the issues with the hands and the base are significant to me as well. Enough to not feel too thrilled to display it. Hoping Aragorn will change that, but not sure.

I know some ppl can overlook those things but for me, if some of it doesn't work then none of it works and takes the joy away.