Queen Studios / InArt to do sixth scale figures

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It seems they might do 1/12 cloth figs more as HT seems to have the 1/6 on lock....

Would peopel buy a 300 1/12 scale fig? I just don't see the market for that.
At the San Diego event they said the prices for Stonerow weren't likely to go higher than $150.
150 is high I guess acceptable...but probably closer to 200 in the end

Something with a dio like joker would definitely go to 300.

The six inch market, I just don't see it being there. But people seems to want to pay for Mezcos stuff...maybe I'm wrong.
These figures looked surprisngly large in that guys hands and that close-up hair caressing shot went on for farrr too long. It was bordering on the comedic.

After my experience with rooted IA Bruce Wayne, I am actually 'rooting' for IA to figure out magnetic eyes now. The hassle of restyling the hair after ruining it from removing the back head panel makes reposing figures feel like too much of a chore.

There is a quite notable difference in the styling and shape of the hair between sculpted and rooted atreides. Rootes gets the S shaped swoop perfect but rooted is just wavy like a thicker version of Aragorns hair. I would very much hope for that to be worked on but haven't heard or seen anyone raise th eissue with IA.

The Walking Dead stuff is just splendid.
I could see the magnetic eyes delaying Daenerys. I have to imagine removing the back of the head on that figure would be a pain in the ass.
I know it is highly unlikely, but dear god Inart please do another Bruce Lee Kato figure. My Enterbay one is not doing so well. Green Hornet has always been one of my favorites and I am dying for something new.
I don’t really any figure youtubers but whenever John from Inart has hopped on peoples streams is it usually announced in advance?

Also I can’t think of any upcoming figure events this year, does anyone know which ones are upcoming? Or has inart said anything about where they will be displaying next? Thanks 😁
Has John ever said anything that has been useful information? I feel like InArt keeps changing its line-up and targets.

I have only seen about 3-4 videos over the last 2 years where John has spoken, and only really followed LOTR news, but in that time I heard: Legolas is next, and no Hobbits, then shortly after he said they are working on Frodo and others, and yet today still no Legolas but we finally got Nazgul.
Jedha Patrol mentioned in a stream that there’s going to be a new InArt reveal soon. Think he said ten days from this past Friday. Sounds like he and Justin are both going to be part of the announcement.
InArt Neo (I&II) Trinity and Morpheus (w/chair, phone and blue pill & red pill) would be very cool. I’ve never purchased a Smith for whatever reason, so an InArt would be Smith Prime and I’d pick up some cheaper clones. I’d also really like to see either InArt or another decent company take on the Twins, Persephone (red or white dress), Merovingian, and Niobe.

Speaking of WB licenses, Blade Runner would be my #1 from either InArt or JND—Deckard, Roy (2-pack), Rachel, Pris, Tyrell, old Deckard, K, Joi, Luv, Niander Wallace
Jedha Patrol mentioned in a stream that there’s going to be a new InArt reveal soon. Think he said ten days from this past Friday. Sounds like he and Justin are both going to be part of the announcement.
My money is on Legolas.
Blade Runner has so much potential, custom figure artists getting tons of cash from BR2049 while WB refuses to give out the license (or whatever the issue is), I wish it made sense lol. If it's just Legolas that would be very underwhelming, I want to buy him but it feels like he should've been announced ages ago, so that wouldn't really be a surprise lol
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All this talk of new license reveals and I'm still waiting for the stuff they promised over two years ago.

Still waiting on Affleck and Bale Bats in 1/6 scale, Wonder Woman and an update on the Reeve Superman.
All this talk of new license reveals and I'm still waiting for the stuff they promised over two years ago.

Still waiting on Affleck and Bale Bats in 1/6 scale, Wonder Woman and an update on the Reeve Superman.
It’s gonna be another two years before we can even hope to have any of those actually in our possession.