The Spirit of Darkness
All the important info from the InArt/MorFig Q&A that took place at the Tokyo Event:
Thanks for putting all this together mate.
Its great appreciated by all us here.
1/6 and 1/12 figures of Black Myth Wukong will go up for pre-order this year.
This is one I am looking forward to, the proto of the figure just looks incredible.
This is such an upsetting and nonsensical decision - why do 5/9 of the Fellowship? Especially considering the remaining figures are Hobbits and a Dwarf whose bodies they will have already done the R&D for Pippin & Merry with Frodo and Sam, and likewise Gimli from Thorin.
- Sam and Frodo from Fellowship of the Ring seem to be the next and likely final LoTR figures, as sadly other characters from the franchise are not being considered at the moment.
- Gandalf the White might yet be made, Frodo and Sam are set to release in 2026.
Speaking of - what about the Thorin proto
Is he still happening?
This makes me feel like I made the right choice in not getting Legolas, having him and Aragorn but not Gimli or other members of the Fellowship feels wrong and it would bother me. This also makes me less likely to get Gandalf the White.
- Adult Harry Potter version is coming in 2026.
- For Harry Potter, Snape and Malfoy will likely go up for pre-order this year, Sirius Black next year.
Wonder what Harry would be considered the adult?
Deathly Hallows I assume? Which I know a few people here want, but IMO just isn't "wizardy" enough to be all that exciting as a figure - he could come wit a few of the Horcruxes but other than that how would you polish up this figure to be more impressive then the Young Harry figure?
Any ideas?
Glad to hear Snape and Malfoy are going ahead, interesting that they are going for Sirius as the next character, given he isn't from PS - would we consider Sirius a major supporting character of the series?
What I am VERY NERVOUS about is not hearing anything more about Dumbledore - they did a great proto of him and now we aren't hearing anything about him being made or if he EVER gonna be made, this in addition to the LOTR news is pretty nervewracking, Dumbledore needs to be the first adult HP character put up for pre-order, he is too integral to the series.
- More 1/12 Dark Knight: Metal figures will be made.
- 1/6 and 1/12 figures from The Dark Knight will be on pre-order this year; The 1/12 price should be around $60 based on Japanese pricing.
- InArt has plans to release a new Heath Ledger Joker using all the experience they've gained since entering the 1/6 market.
- Ben Affleck's Batman and Gadot's Wonder Woman will likely go up for pre-order this year, but other members of the Justice League are not being considered at the moment.
- Joker 2 figures not being considered.
- They will improve Bale's likeness on the 1/12 Dark Knight figure; Joker and Bane will also be coming in 1/12; Vehicles not being considered.
So, let me start with saying how ******* SICK I am of The Dark Knight, the market is utterly saturated - the movie is great, but it would be nice for companies to actually give us something else for once.
Not shocked about Joker 2 - what a car crash of a movie.
Now it makes sense why they are doing BVS rather than JL - limits the line to just the DC Trinity.
Pretty much inevitable once HT beat them to the punch, at least the threat of Inart tackling the line made HT finally commit to new figures.
- Terminator not coming any time soon, they'd like to get more experience before tackling the license.
Competition is a good thing for us lot.
- Back to the Future and Top Gun licenses not being considered at the moment.
- There will be 1/6 Matrix figures.
- Game of Thrones Daenerys is still planned, will likely release in 2026.
- The Walking Dead figures are also scheduled to release in 2026.
- 1/6 and 1/12 figures of Bruce Lee may go up for pre-order this year.
- It seems like only Neo will be made for the Matrix license as other characters are not currently being considered.
- Other Keanu Reeves films not being considered.
- Jessica Atreides is coming and should be out next year.
- Zendaya's Chani will likely be coming in 2026.
Yeah, these figures/lines are not really my thing - which may be a little disappointing to my inner geek but is great for my wallet.
Not sure why Inart decided we need multiple figures of a world-famous nonce but not a full Fellowship.
- Other styles for Michael Jackson being considered.
- Michael Jackson "Smooth Criminal" version will be up for pre-order this year.
Honestly - this is a relief, Star Wars and MCU figures dominate the the industry as it is.Disney's Marvel and Star Wars are not being considered. (Everyone knew that)
Really mixed bag of news

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