At moment we have Bard, Mouth of Sauron and Aragorn almost finished.
And the dwarf/hobbit id under going,
so we will definitely get Gimli out in the first half of the year,
fellow by Bilbo, Merry and Pippen.
We Also have Gandalf and Legolas sculpting now.
At moment we have Bard, Mouth of Sauron and Aragorn almost finished.
And the dwarf/hobbit id under going,
so we will definitely get Gimli out in the first half of the year,
fellow by Bilbo, Merry and Pippen.
We Also have Gandalf and Legolas sculpting now.
At moment we have Bard, Mouth of Sauron and Aragorn almost finished.
And the dwarf/hobbit id under going,
so we will definitely get Gimli out in the first half of the year,
fellow by Bilbo, Merry and Pippen.
We Also have Gandalf and Legolas sculpting now.
At moment we have Bard, Mouth of Sauron and Aragorn almost finished.
And the dwarf/hobbit id under going,
so we will definitely get Gimli out in the first half of the year,
fellow by Bilbo, Merry and Pippen.
We Also have Gandalf and Legolas sculpting now.