Darth Caedus
Formerly Congerking
You're all a bunch of dirty commies like this guy
<table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" align=center>
<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'>
<strong>You Are 60% Capitalist, 40% Socialist</strong>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<center><img src="https://www.blogthingsimages.com/areyouasocialistorcapitalistquiz/politics-3.jpg" height="100" width="100"></center>
<font color="#000000">
While you are definitely sympathetic to a free economy, you also worry about the less fortunate.<br />
Wealth and business is fine, as long as those who are in need get helped out too.<br />
You tend to see both the government and corporations as potentially corrupt.
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.blogthings.com/areyouasocialistorcapitalistquiz/">Are You a Socialist or Capitalist?</a></div>

<table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" align=center>
<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'>
<strong>You Are 60% Capitalist, 40% Socialist</strong>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<center><img src="https://www.blogthingsimages.com/areyouasocialistorcapitalistquiz/politics-3.jpg" height="100" width="100"></center>
<font color="#000000">
While you are definitely sympathetic to a free economy, you also worry about the less fortunate.<br />
Wealth and business is fine, as long as those who are in need get helped out too.<br />
You tend to see both the government and corporations as potentially corrupt.
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.blogthings.com/areyouasocialistorcapitalistquiz/">Are You a Socialist or Capitalist?</a></div>