One of the biggest problems with government programs is that government runs them with government employees. Now living in a state where 1/3 of the population works for the state, I know a lot of state employees.
Government workers suffer from burnout and apathy. They have no incentive to be better at their jobs because they get annual raises and promoted on seniority. They have drone jobs that they perform in drone like fashion. It's a generalization and there are exceptions, but by in large they don't have much in the way of enthusiasm and inspiration.
Government employees, whether elected or hired, are stewards of tax payers money and often, since it's not their money, they really don't watch it carefully. They have no reason to try harder or fear of reprisal since its nearly impossible to fire someone that works for the state. I know one person that was fired from their state job. It was sexual harassment and she got her job back.
Complacency and apathy are human nature unless there is incentive either way.
We know the problems inherent in the current system and it doesn't get fixed. Lets privatize some of it. Private companies can fire people when they do a bad job and give them a bonus when they do a good job. In Philadelphia there are three 911 operators and or dispatchers that have made errors that have cost people their lives. They are being retrained.Lets get people who we can encourage with a bonus for following protocol and serving clients. Have people that can be fired if they rush a client through the process, or neglect another. But reward the person that goes above and beyond for someone.
When was the last time you felt compassion from someone at motor vehicle? Wouldn't it be nice if it were more like dealing with Sideshow customer service?
The second front is that the recipients know how to work the system.
I am going to put forth an unpopular idea. We did a disservice when we classified shame as a bad thing. When I was 11 my father was disabled and we got generics. Not the colorful generics we know today, black and white labeled and canned. We also wore cheap sneakers and 'dungarees' (jeans didn't come along till the 80's). It was embarrassing and it left an impression on me that I would never need it again. But we have taken away the stigma that its ok if you can't be independent or even try. Now foodstamps or family first cards allow you to buy name brands and purchase them discreetly. Lets put it back to qualifying for generics. Lets remove the ability to use them for unhealthy foods like Soda and Doritos. Assistance should cover milk, water, bread, produce, meat, baby formula and food. For 17 years I worked for supermarkets and its truly unbelievable how many people on assistance use it for the worst kinds of food and have an attitude of entitlement. It is too frequent that they come in on the day their check expires and demand things with no sense of humility or gratitude. I once had a shopper that came in on the last day of her WIC check and demand her special baby formula, $28 per can. Unfortunately the last of our supply had been shoplifted. All I could think of is my own children that we bottle fed on Parent's Choice, Walmarts generic formula and my wife and I both worked.
Recipients need to be accountable too. If they are not actively looking for a job that can sustain them and whatever dependents they might have then they must be getting training that can help them do it. If their grades slip they should get dropped. If they screw up their job they don't get back in. If they can't pass routine drug tests they don't get the benefits. Employers get to drug test, and as far as I'm concerned, if our tax dollars are paying you, that makes you my employee and here's your cup. I would be happy to give them swimming lessons but after that they can sink or swim, I don't want to swim with them on my back.
To all the ladies: Having 7 children with different fathers is not acceptable, especially if you can't identify him. You get benefits for three kids, and we can even make exceptions for twins and triplets. Sorry there has to be a limit. So if you're collecting benefits for two and sleeping around, maybe you should take care of that government program that pays for tubal ligation.
Sperm donors: If you have three kids with three different mothers and you can't pay, say hello to prison.
Prison should bring back hard labor and crappy but nutritious food. Prison should be something they want to avoid. It should be harsh and it should be unpleasant. It can't be that bad since so many go back.
Yes I know I'm insensitive and horrible to some of you. So what. Personal responsibility and accountability will solve most of the issues and make independent citizens that can have some pride. Give people the opportunity to pull themselves up instead of the opportunity to sit in your lap.
America is the land of opportunity. Thats why people try and come here more than any other place in the world. You have opportunity here to do anything your brains, talent, ambition can carry you to. There are no external, malevolent forces keeping you down, just your own complacency.
I am living the American dream. My father was disabled, my mom a social worker. They divorced. I graduated High School 198 in a class of 380. I had to save for 6 months to afford community college. I worked as a Janitor, at McDonalds, construction, pumped gas, and settled into stocking shelves. By the time I was 23 both my parents were dead. I worked hard, became the crew chief and within five years a grocery manager. Now I own my own business, have a wife and two kids. My neighborhood stinks but I've done it all by myself with the opportunity God gave me. I have had no particular advantage. I have had no job that required connections, racial preference or even above average intelligence. I am nothing special.