bruce lee arms on that chest would be legit.. I'd likely pose him shirtless from time to time if I can indeed rig a system like that up.
Seems like you're going to have issues with skin tone not matching up 100%, and then there's the potential gap in the shoulders. . .almost makes me think the better solution would be sculpting and painting chest hair onto the stock Bruce Lee body. But I guess you would still potentially have problems with skin tone on the head vs. body.
--edit: as-is, looks like the prototype doesn't match skin tones with the arms, chest, and head anyway. . .
The skin tone also doesnt look to match the painted headsculpts with the current chestpiece.
I feel for Rainman, this figure is really detail heavy. There are alot of small nitpicks that are adding up for me. I just found another one. It appears that he used the same sole from the Anton Boots for these bickle boots. The Bickle boot isnt as chunky and should be much more worn down.The boots look to new. I'm prbably gonna have to get them tanned and modded for a broken in look as well. The upside is this is a custom weather's dream figure.
Some things to look into:
Nose and Mohawk Eyelids tweak - Fix Confirmed
Glasses (Shape & size is off) - Fix Confirmed
King Kong Patch (Not Accurate)
Tanker Jacket Lining (Orange not Burgundy)
Dont forget pants color!!! lol
Sorry but Betomatali has us spoiled when it comes to details. That is the name of the game though and for $1400 even more so. Alot of work ahead of him. He's gonna need a nice easy one after this cough...Torrance...cough!
Lol, Cant wait to see what comes after this.
The ultimate RM for me would be this though....
You better start getting that reference material ready. And be prepared to have a stroke when he decides not to do the helmet!![]()
Lol, Cant wait to see what comes after this.
The ultimate RM for me would be this though....
This would be awesome not really sure its within Rainmans area of expertise though would love to see him give it a bash though!
Where's the pic someone posted a few weeks back of an older figure of this?
If he ever did, id say this would eclipse Bill for sure. Im also positive it would probably also be his most expensive set.
Where's the pic someone posted a few weeks back of an older figure of this?
Only person that can do this the right way is Betomatali.
Only person that can do this the right way is Betomatali.
Here it is..........
The sculpt and pod looked incredible. The suit was the controversial Twich Squad one
I recon Serang could do it justice granted its really really not his thing at all lol and his sculpts are very stylised but he has mega skills when it come to detailed complex outfits he COULD pull it off if he chose too
Serang uses the same tailor house as Rainman. His accessory skills are great though.