Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "Driver"

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The high quality of RM's accessories is already discernible just looking at those pieces. Amazing.

Some Eye Candy
crazy!! He really has come such a long way too in the realm of accessories, especially guns. Comparing these to the Narrator pistol is like night and day!
perhaps...i must say that i was able to get a PF gun and i wasn't impressed...the paint and the lack of detail kinda had me wondering where the spark had gone....know i know where....to the bickle side...these pics are awesome....i'm actually happy i went with this in the end....already started building my detolf for this...:)
perhaps...i must say that i was able to get a PF gun and i wasn't impressed...the paint and the lack of detail kinda had me wondering where the spark had gone....know i know where....to the bickle side...these pics are awesome....i'm actually happy i went with this in the end....already started building my detolf for this...:)

I feel the Pulp boys are an isolated incident and I don't think any one of us is really able to rationilize what exactly happened with that release but we can all agree that that wasn't The Man in his usual form. They are the worst examples of Rainman's work within my RM collection, and arguably toward the bottom of his entire catolouge. With that said, after owning them and seeing them everyday.... they've really grown on me :)

These here are way different than the Pulp pistols. I can only assume that he was really pressed for time with the Pulp release and tried to cut some corners. I think those were recasted from one of the HT .45s (they're identical in size and basically every other way) and it wasn't a very clean cast to boot; but Bickle's accessories are the extra clean, super crisp bits that you expect from RM. The undisputed accessory king!

Highlights the reason why Rainman has the reputation he does. He's in a league of his own when it comes to things like this.

1000% TRUTH
Hahaha it's always a masterpiece. Until the next figure, "no no this one is his masterpiece". I think we can all agree that his work are all masterpieces.

But what's the master piece of master pieces is the question???? Bill. I mean Anton. No, Bill. Maybe Wonka? No... it's Bill... but possibly Lucy...

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Wonka has a great outfit, and the midget is fantastic, but the likeness and hair are lacking IMO. I think Driver may also suffer because of the head sculpt in the final analysis, but in terms of accessories this seems top notch. Bill is still the king of the Rainman dolls IMO.