Looks like it didn't happen with most of those. Mine is from the DX set.
My dx had it too, honestly I just painted it with flat tamayia black paint and I don't really care. It's no big deal I suppose I could fill them too but again I don't really care. but I've had numerous other issues, Rainman has been classy as always and quick to respond. He's wonderful with this sort of thing. I have a lot of respect for Rainman.
Out of respect to him I don't want to talk about or mention my situation in depth but I've been pretty upset about this whole release because of, issues unique to me and in the future I'll definitely be keeping orders simple I.e.not helping out other freaks or changing things etc. It's no ones fault but it is what it is.
Let's just say I have a very unique DX number on my certificate. 0/0