Ok so Jules just arrived not had much time with him yet but here are my initial thoughts (please bear in mind I'm at work so Vince isn't here and I haven't had a chance to put the 2 together).
First and foremost the shoes are just down right offensive for Rainman to even contemplate these being acceptable in a set that cost this much is in my opinion disrespectful. I had a replacement pair on the way while this guy was still in transit but the effect of these cheap $3 shoes has not been lost on me one bit right out of the box!
The Wallet is actually better than I was anticipating with what I've read from others. Granted the text is a little blurry but it's all there on mine I don't have any lettering missing etc so overall pleased with it. Is it a great FS exclusive item? No but lets be honest they've been getting less and less important for awhile.
Suit is fantastic, tailoring as always is on point. Like other's I'm gonna have to redress as he currently has virtually no neck but I can't fault the tailoring one bit perfection as usual.
Body is really really stiff, I mean I can barely get the arms to move let alone get them out in the straight arm position so I'll be changing it up. Will likely go with the older style broader shoulder true type hicks etc as that looks great in the few pics I've seen. Agent J body will be up for sale if anybody needs one
Dork Clothes look excellent again the tailoring is on point but I still don't really see the need for them (or Vince's for that matter) with these releases. Should have been traded out for something else or scrapped altogether to bring the cost down. But regardless there here I've got them and they've been executed extremely well. J Chain is sweet lol
Gun, I'm loving the pearl handle but the refinement on the actual sculpt is a little sloppy. As Turbo stated the finishing touches on the slide are a bit off the lines aren't straight which is a shame but it's a tiny issue that I ain't gonna see on display so can live with it.
Drink is cool nothing special but a nice little addition will likely have some fun posing Jules with it once I get the body swapped out and he can actually be posed lol. Other little accessories like ring and Bracelet are very nice, ring looks a little big though haven't got round to trying it all on yet so could be wrong.
Which bring me finally to the sculpt. I like it it's what I was expecting from the promo shots so I can't complain. I hope when I pose him next to Vince it'll all come together for me. The tweak is subtle but does aide the sculpt. It's not all the way there by any means but it's ok. Hair could do with being made bigger and if Robbie or anyone else is up for sculpting a new hair piece consider me interested! I like the paint apps I think the lips look far better on the final product as opposed to the promo shots, skin tone is good also.
All in all it's (bar individual differing opinions on the sculpt) it's the best Jules to date no question. It's by no means perfect but I'm fairly happy with it. By Rainman's usually very high standards it's some way off though. It's no Bill, Dude, Anton, Plainview, Wonka.....the list goes on you get the idea.
First and foremost the shoes are just down right offensive for Rainman to even contemplate these being acceptable in a set that cost this much is in my opinion disrespectful. I had a replacement pair on the way while this guy was still in transit but the effect of these cheap $3 shoes has not been lost on me one bit right out of the box!
The Wallet is actually better than I was anticipating with what I've read from others. Granted the text is a little blurry but it's all there on mine I don't have any lettering missing etc so overall pleased with it. Is it a great FS exclusive item? No but lets be honest they've been getting less and less important for awhile.
Suit is fantastic, tailoring as always is on point. Like other's I'm gonna have to redress as he currently has virtually no neck but I can't fault the tailoring one bit perfection as usual.
Body is really really stiff, I mean I can barely get the arms to move let alone get them out in the straight arm position so I'll be changing it up. Will likely go with the older style broader shoulder true type hicks etc as that looks great in the few pics I've seen. Agent J body will be up for sale if anybody needs one
Dork Clothes look excellent again the tailoring is on point but I still don't really see the need for them (or Vince's for that matter) with these releases. Should have been traded out for something else or scrapped altogether to bring the cost down. But regardless there here I've got them and they've been executed extremely well. J Chain is sweet lol
Gun, I'm loving the pearl handle but the refinement on the actual sculpt is a little sloppy. As Turbo stated the finishing touches on the slide are a bit off the lines aren't straight which is a shame but it's a tiny issue that I ain't gonna see on display so can live with it.
Drink is cool nothing special but a nice little addition will likely have some fun posing Jules with it once I get the body swapped out and he can actually be posed lol. Other little accessories like ring and Bracelet are very nice, ring looks a little big though haven't got round to trying it all on yet so could be wrong.
Which bring me finally to the sculpt. I like it it's what I was expecting from the promo shots so I can't complain. I hope when I pose him next to Vince it'll all come together for me. The tweak is subtle but does aide the sculpt. It's not all the way there by any means but it's ok. Hair could do with being made bigger and if Robbie or anyone else is up for sculpting a new hair piece consider me interested! I like the paint apps I think the lips look far better on the final product as opposed to the promo shots, skin tone is good also.
All in all it's (bar individual differing opinions on the sculpt) it's the best Jules to date no question. It's by no means perfect but I'm fairly happy with it. By Rainman's usually very high standards it's some way off though. It's no Bill, Dude, Anton, Plainview, Wonka.....the list goes on you get the idea.