I got my head/outfit set today, and put him together on an old-school Truetype with the Enterbay hands. Didn't use the leg extenders, because the pants seem to fit well on this one as-is, and they weren't all that different in height based on what I can tell (even if it was more QT trying to create that illusion than reality), so I'm cool with it. I'm really digging it myself, and think the body is a big reason. That EB body is just way to chunky for my liking. Makes him look like an NFL linebacker.
And the cup is such a fantastic accessory. Gives him some real personality. I'm really glad he added it to all the sets.
And on this body, I actually had to pull the collar up to show less neck.
This is the money shot....mmmmm sprite...

The enterbay hand seems to hold the cup very well.