It still has tons of issues Mike, and those shoes and "fullset item wallet QC" will always and forever be the ultimate slap in the face. Let's not pat anyone on the back. He should have brought his "A" game for Pulp Fiction (Quality Control, Management,Communication/feedback) and he didn't. He brought it for Harrow instead
The Dork clothing to me are looking more like the Hail Mary pass that this needed. Needs to try and work out the color matching. The color of Jules blue and Vince's Banana slug graphic (should be yellow) are a bit off. Still not a $900 worthy figure....not by a long shot but atleast the figure has so much more personality and charm now! Its starting to look like a keeper!
In pictures it gives off that shiney sheen reflected off of the enterbay body, but as usual in person it doesn't look toyish at all....looks like a shrunken down beach bum Julie

Vince's Dork gear doesn't wear as graceful as Jules' and I think a big part of that has to do with Vince's hair, it somehow doesn't work well, plus he's caucasion so the contrast isn't there but Im seeing some pretty good suggestions for body types and leg options.
Really excited for Robbies briefcase now, it going to make Julie really pop off the shelves!