Super Freak really look good
Jules paid a visit to Barneys today and upgraded his footwear! 100X's better now!
Thanks again Pops for hookin' Jules up with the proper footwear brother!!He just traded his Payless shoes for some Duckie Browns!
Just having some fun! Gotta get some feet over to Robbie soon to hook up with flip flops! LOL..!
emarae, where or who made that headsculpt of Jules behind the RM ones?....really interested in that one!!!...looks 100% like Jules!!
emarae, where or who made that headsculpt of Jules behind the RM ones?....really interested in that one!!!...looks 100% like Jules!!
Just having some fun! Gotta get some feet over to Robbie soon to hook up with flip flops! LOL..!
emarae I love your dork version guys! WOW! The scene in Big Kahuna is my favorite!
Makes me rethink the fact that I did not try to get Dork Jules
Emarae, thats a good looking bashed Jules sculpt. Is that sculpt from the spirit action figure?
Those are great shots. That really makes the Dork clothes stand out.![]()
Wow dork clothes is where its at!
I like that look better than the suits.
I need to send feet to Robbie as well.
Nice job Marlo! Was almost sold on the dork gear but still love me these sleek suited dudes!
One day a "suit"-table body will be made for those dork clothes.![]()
Great work marlo
emarae, where or who made that headsculpt of Jules behind the RM ones?....really interested in that one!!!...looks 100% like Jules!!
He mentioned it a while back that it was reworked Octopus head, can't remember if it was a thread or his youtube review.
I believe that's the Head Play sculpt that Marlo added more hair to. He has some YouTube vids on it.
What body do you have suited Jules on? He looks good and skinny! Whatever it is it's doing a good job in slimming the suit down.
Are those the ZCWO feet?
thanks Emarae...i just bought the only loose head on ebay...LOL....i will be trying my hand at sculpting that hair...![]()