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Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

So when is the right time to order from Rainman? I've always logged on but never say anything available...
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

So when is the right time to order from Rainman? I've always logged on but never say anything available...

You need to follow rainman related threads like a hawk or add him on facebook for his updates, normally when a new figure goes up for order painted and unpainted heads of that character would be available for a while after until there sold out, but like he did recently he might again offer up a run of all his past sculpts with the option of painting by his painter.( currently Aeon)
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

My order is still listed as "before shipping" :(

Looks like you can now see stuff on Rainman's site without logging in first.
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

You need to follow rainman related threads like a hawk or add him on facebook for his updates, normally when a new figure goes up for order painted and unpainted heads of that character would be available for a while after until there sold out, but like he did recently he might again offer up a run of all his past sculpts with the option of painting by his painter.( currently Aeon)

Hi, what is rainman name in facebook?
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

Dont know how this can be anything other than a recaster.

Holy crap! I looked at this guys feeback and almost all purchases
on the 1st page (44) are for Rainman sculpts, He's recasted them
all and has almost all of Rainmans heads. How in the hell did he get
all the originals.

This is an abomination and just plain wrong.
He is also doing recast of velvet morning, Beto and a few others
well known sculptors.

Obviously not to many people are staying away from him either.
They are buying them up like its a x-mas sale or black friday.
The first 3 pages of feedback are mostly unpainted sculpts.

Please do not support this A-hole people.

** Rant complete **
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

Dont know how this can be anything other than a recaster.

Holy crap! I looked at this guys feeback and almost all purchases
on the 1st page (44) are for Rainman sculpts, He's recasted them
all and has almost all of Rainmans heads. How in the hell did he get
all the originals.

This is an abomination and just plain wrong.
He is also doing recast of velvet morning, Beto and a few others
well known sculptors.

Obviously not to many people are staying away from him either.
They are buying them up like its a x-mas sale or black friday.
The first 3 pages of feedback are mostly unpainted sculpts.

Please do not support this A-hole people.

** Rant complete **

He's Q. Was kicked out from here some months back. He was pushing off recasts on the board and he got served.
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

Please do not support this A-hole people.

I see some familiar looking screennames on his feedback list.

Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

I see some familiar looking screennames on his feedback list.


The hypocrisy of these boards.

The same thing with headplay. They got banned and yet everyone buys from them on ebay, especially the knock off bodies lately. I've got a couple of those. :wink1: The difference is, I don't crucify them for it.

Now, what is the difference between Q and the artists here who slightly mod a head from a big company, recast it and sell their modded version? IMO, none. And they do make a ton of cash selling them!! Some really overpriced (again, imo). An old example of this is: The Sideshow Indy premium format head, shrunk, recasted and sold to several members here. One of Q's main detractors (you know who you are) owns this recasted sideshow Indy head.
How about that Dark Knight head from medicom, modded and recasted being sold for the new DX12? (I'm on the list for one, btw)
There are other examples of this happening RIGHT NOW. Just head to the Interest threads to find them. Again, those practices don't bother me. In fact, I welcome the opportunity of owning some of them. I've bought a few here in the past and you can find me in at least a couple of those interest lists for those official and licensed heads, now being modded and RECAST.
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

The hypocrisy of these boards.

The same thing with headplay. They got banned and yet everyone buys from them on ebay, especially the knock off bodies lately. I've got a couple of those. :wink1: The difference is, I don't crucify them for it.

Now, what is the difference between Q and the artists here who slightly mod a head from a big company, recast it and sell their modded version? IMO, none. And they do make a ton of cash selling them!! Some really overpriced (again, imo). An old example of this is: The Sideshow Indy premium format head, shrunk, recasted and sold to several members here. One of Q's main detractors (you know who you are) owns this recasted sideshow Indy head.
How about that Dark Knight head from medicom, modded and recasted being sold for the new DX12? (I'm on the list for one, btw)
There are other examples of this happening RIGHT NOW. Just head to the Interest threads to find them. Again, those practices don't bother me. In fact, I welcome the opportunity of owning some of them. I've bought a few here in the past and you can find me in at least a couple of those interest lists for those official and licensed heads, now being modded and RECAST.

Well part of the difference is that if you look at his ebay listings, Q does not give any credit to the original artist who created the work. He makes no contribution to the art whatsoever, he just churns out copies of other, more talented people's work and takes the credit (and money) for it. Although often unspoken, it is generally given that custom works are sold on the agreement that recasting will not take place. I will freely admit that I am biased in this regard, as Q ripped me off a couple of years ago. At the time he was in good standing on the board and the powers that be took his side (I was told that he was a cop and so couldn't possibly have ripped me off!?!). However, I believe I would still have the same opinion if it was any other person.

As for recasts such as the Medicom head, yes, it is recasting to a (fairly large!) extent, and I agree that the morality of it becomes very murky at times, but it has been fully aknowledged that it is a recast of a modified Medicom head. I don't know much about the Indy head, but presumably a lot of work went into shrinking the head down to the correct size and adapting the neck, and no claims of original artistry of the sculpt were made. In both these cases the product being offered is/was in limited quantities, and is something that is not being offered by the original, or any another company.

Murky territory, I think, but the internet is a confusing place sometimes when it comes to deciding on moral and legal responsibility.
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

Q is different from other recasters in my opinion because he's deliberately deceitful in how he promotes his recasts. With Trevor's heads he used Trevor's pics and the eBay listed it as a "Trevor Grove original". A cast of an original is not an original. He also answered enquiries from a mate of mine with the outright lie that he'd acquired the listed sculpt directly from Trevor. My friend bought the sculpt and it was obviously a recast. He'd used a white resin, while Trevor's were grey. The recasting was poorly done, with air bubbles on the ears. He got his money back and threw that POS in the trash. If you're going to flog off recasts, be upfront about it so people can make an informed decision about what they're buying.
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

I got duped into buying an Eagle Eye recast because he said, explicitly, that it was a genuine article. Obviously I do my homework now before buying anything.
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

I would like to chime in on this in regards to what I am currently doing. I look at this way when it comes to recasting. Has this item ever been available to purchase from some one else?
I took HT Thriller hands and reworked them for Creed claws. Technically I recast HT's property, but for me it was never an item that was offered.
Current project with the HT Wayne faces. Was this an option form HT? No, but yes I have taken their sculpt, made a mold and now am selling it.
In either case I would not being making these if either was offered by the original company.
Now in the case of artists like Raniman and others. I would love to take Rainman's hatless Plainview and rework it into a rockn Lincoln. But I am not going to do that because of the limited nature of his releases. If it was an HT product, you damn right I would. Hypocritical? Probably, but taking from a single person I find to be wrong.

Just my opinion on the matter.

The hypocrisy of these boards.

The same thing with headplay. They got banned and yet everyone buys from them on ebay, especially the knock off bodies lately. I've got a couple of those. :wink1: The difference is, I don't crucify them for it.

Now, what is the difference between Q and the artists here who slightly mod a head from a big company, recast it and sell their modded version? IMO, none. And they do make a ton of cash selling them!! Some really overpriced (again, imo). An old example of this is: The Sideshow Indy premium format head, shrunk, recasted and sold to several members here. One of Q's main detractors (you know who you are) owns this recasted sideshow Indy head.
How about that Dark Knight head from medicom, modded and recasted being sold for the new DX12? (I'm on the list for one, btw)
There are other examples of this happening RIGHT NOW. Just head to the Interest threads to find them. Again, those practices don't bother me. In fact, I welcome the opportunity of owning some of them. I've bought a few here in the past and you can find me in at least a couple of those interest lists for those official and licensed heads, now being modded and RECAST.

Well part of the difference is that if you look at his ebay listings, Q does not give any credit to the original artist who created the work. He makes no contribution to the art whatsoever, he just churns out copies of other, more talented people's work and takes the credit (and money) for it. Although often unspoken, it is generally given that custom works are sold on the agreement that recasting will not take place. I will freely admit that I am biased in this regard, as Q ripped me off a couple of years ago. At the time he was in good standing on the board and the powers that be took his side (I was told that he was a cop and so couldn't possibly have ripped me off!?!). However, I believe I would still have the same opinion if it was any other person.

As for recasts such as the Medicom head, yes, it is recasting to a (fairly large!) extent, and I agree that the morality of it becomes very murky at times, but it has been fully aknowledged that it is a recast of a modified Medicom head. I don't know much about the Indy head, but presumably a lot of work went into shrinking the head down to the correct size and adapting the neck, and no claims of original artistry of the sculpt were made. In both these cases the product being offered is/was in limited quantities, and is something that is not being offered by the original, or any another company.

Murky territory, I think, but the internet is a confusing place sometimes when it comes to deciding on moral and legal responsibility.

Q is different from other recasters in my opinion because he's deliberately deceitful in how he promotes his recasts. With Trevor's heads he used Trevor's pics and the eBay listed it as a "Trevor Grove original". A cast of an original is not an original. He also answered enquiries from a mate of mine with the outright lie that he'd acquired the listed sculpt directly from Trevor. My friend bought the sculpt and it was obviously a recast. He'd used a white resin, while Trevor's were grey. The recasting was poorly done, with air bubbles on the ears. He got his money back and threw that POS in the trash. If you're going to flog off recasts, be upfront about it so people can make an informed decision about what they're buying.
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

i think you should definitely do the lincoln robbie. at least for yourself. think the issue is when people sell recasted work that have not been modified or made different in any way. and they sell it as genuine article. i got rooked by q when he was here as chapin and i had pretty much just joined the boards. he told me what he had was genuine and as it was a sale from another board member and not off ebay i did not think he was selling fakes. and the first thing i got from him i couldnt tell wasnt real. so i bought from hm a few days later. and was super excited. until my butcher sculpt showed up without mustache tips. live and learn. and i gave him feedback after the first item cuz he asked me to and i thought why not. for a while after i was so suspicious of everybody that i even accused this really nice guy of selling me a knockoff rainman sculpt when it wasnt. haha. i think that was q's move tho, he targeted people with a low post count and new members. anyway, i have since replaced the recasts with genuine articles. and i sold the knockoffs to newbies as the real thing for 17x what i paid. (cue villainous cackle)muahahaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaa
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

in all seriousness though: and i dont know if this is necessarily right or not, but i also support recasted work from the big companies when it has been reworked to make it sufficiently different. i bought robbie's dx faceplate--it's great by the way, robbie, and i actually encouraged a friend to begin selling the modded medi cowl which i was having done for my own collection cuz i figured with all the changes he was making to it that it was no longer the same stock item. is this absolutely right? i dont know. but i dont feel i'm involved in any wrongdoing either. my friend is not selling it as an original medi, everyone who buys it knows what they're getting, and as they seem alright with it, i feel it's fair play. granted, he also put a fair amount of work into the piece, some of which is more obvious than others. i guess my point is that it is sort of a fine line. i wouldnt be involved in selling recasts of custom sculpts tho. i guess i just feel differently about that as having a friend in the custom creation game, i really understand what he does to put out product and that it is a small operation.
still, i also dont see recasts as the demon to sixth scale society that many people here seem to feel it is. i dont think it hurts the artists, in the case of Q, for example, because i dont see rainman's sculpts being treated as being lesser of value now that you can get a butcher knockoff without mustache tips on ebay. there are people, and i am one of them, who will always want the genuine article, even if i have found a recast already. and as was the case with the butcher, i bought a genuine replacement for each of the two i bought from Q.
rainman continues to sell his sculpts at the same price point, and truthfully, that is all i really care about. if i saw that his business model was being threatened by the advent of recasts then i might certainly be more enraged. as it is, i think some of the people who get most upset with the recast situation, are really looking out for their own investments--fearing that their rainman figures wont be able to sell for as much on the secondary market--but this, too, i think is mistaken. as evidenced by many of the sales of rainman's figures over the last 7 months or so that i have been on the boards. truthfully, i feel that for the serious, in-the-know collector, these recasts are really not an issue and i dont know why we continue to bring Q up and discuss this situation all the time. they are out there. buy them or not. let's talk about the good stuff tho. that's what we're here for, right?
Re: [RAINMAN ARTWORK]Restock on all new/old heads sculpts(new painter's pics)

Looking at the names there, it's members that have been here a while and should know that Q sells recasts, but if they're just oblivious, is it worth it to sticky a thread here about eBay sellers NOT to buy from? Does that open too many cans of worms?? I mean, we all know diver4, davincisman and store-rooms recast stuff all the time, but still after all these years, i STILL see people recommend store-rooms and davincisman.

I think one of the issues as well is that people just simply prefer to buy things on eBay, rather than from a store or a person. eBay has done such a great job on marketing that they're such a "safe place to buy from" that people just prefer buying from eBay. The reality is eBay is a nightmare, but buyers just feel safer there.

For example, if rainman kept his original sculpts in stock at all times on his website and they were very easy to get, Q would still recast them and probably sell MORE than rainman, just because Q is on eBay. I think one of the major reasons recasting is so prevalent is that the recasters go to where the buyers are. If sculptors sold on eBay, I'd like to think this wouldn't be such a big issue.
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