But you're thinking of fullsets, and when you figure the costs of clothing/accessory sets by themselves, you really aren't paying that extra premium for the clothes. Look at Iminime's outfit set, no weapons for Daryl, and you're still paying $220. Rainman charges $350 for the outfits with accessories.Of course! That extra $500 better go somewhere!
Head is definitely a tad on the large size.Some better shots.
But you're thinking of fullsets, and when you figure the costs of clothing/accessory sets by themselves, you really aren't paying that extra premium for the clothes. Look at Iminime's outfit set, no weapons for Daryl, and you're still paying $220. Rainman charges $350 for the outfits with accessories.
Rainman actually gives you a much better value in that department IMO when you factor in outfit quality. Fullsets are paying for the paint job for the most part IMO. With the instance here or there where the accessory is really worth some extra $$.
I found some perseus legs on the cheap
But you're thinking of fullsets, and when you figure the costs of clothing/accessory sets by themselves, you really aren't paying that extra premium for the clothes. Look at Iminime's outfit set, no weapons for Daryl, and you're still paying $220. Rainman charges $350 for the outfits with accessories.
Rainman actually gives you a much better value in that department IMO when you factor in outfit quality. Fullsets are paying for the paint job for the most part IMO. With the instance here or there where the accessory is really worth some extra $$.
No, she does add a lot of value to the H&C, no doubt about that.
The sculpt looks great Brocha! Congrats!
Had to put my full set up for sale. ;( Along with a h&c set.
Some folks haven't even gotten their orders yet lol...I'm sure they will go fast...you selling at original prices?
Had to put my full set up for sale. ;( Along with a h&c set.