I just heated up the HT finger, moved it into a better position, cooled it down with cold water, stuck it where it belongs, and it works well enough for my purposes.
The funny thing is there is a sculpt available that is better than either one of these. I'm not the only one who thinks that either as a few mentioned it earlier in this thread. I kind of see where shadow is coming from with respect to the fan **** that goes on in some of these threads. Rainman announces a character. Everyone gets excited about it and starts posting thier wish list of accessories and posting reference pictures. Then Rainman does whatever he wants. Sometimes he makes a change/correction but often he doesn't. People throw money at him anyway. Then when everyone gets thier figures they post pictures with apologies about how it looks better in hand. Rinse and repeat. I can appreciate the artistry, time and talent it takes to produce something like this. I'm sure Rainman and his team earn thier money. For what he charges in my opinion this should have been more refined. I can't image what kind of excuse can be made for the oversized head and undersized gun. That being said if buyers are happy that is all that really matters. I'm as guilty of defending artist/projects I like as anyone in this thread, so this is an observation more than a critisizm. Friendly debate is what makes the web go around.
The whole cultural thing is a toughie. We're all used to a set of our own social norms. I get that a lot of other cultures are rougher around the edges then Americans and what is everyday convo or actions to them may come across as very rude to Americans. I just find it funny that the most hated country in the world has one of the most polite and socially diplomatic way of being. Go figure
I struggled with this as well as I do understand there are cultural differences, but I do think that this board has its own cultural norms, though they are probably really influenced by American culture given the high number of Americans on the boards.
The extreme behavior (particularly the mocking and gloating, which is jerk behavior in absolutely ALL cultures) that rubs people the wrong way have been explained to him yet it continues which means he's trolling.
Being upfront is fine and ive really learned to appreciate that from freaks as it only livens discussions and adds to the final product being better, but adding the mockery is another story.
Pic or GTFO.
I realize things look different in real life as opposed to pictures. This looked the same in several different pictures from different people. I learned a long time ago to never take anyone's word on what 's good and isn't when it comes to collectibles. This isn't a knock on you personally. I've just bought too many things based on rave reviews to find that they were not to my personal liking. I also realize I'm not adept at practicing what I preach. I'm trying to work on that.
How come no one is bringing up the true problem....that for 800 bucks we should be getting sculpted hands! These hottoys hands are pure sh:t!
What was your opinion on the better of the Vince sculpts? Was it the Snyderman offering? It's very good but isn't it missing the fine facial details like skin texture etc.
The funny thing is there is a sculpt available that is better than either one of these. I'm not the only one who thinks that either as a few mentioned it earlier in this thread. I kind of see where shadow is coming from with respect to the fan **** that goes on in some of these threads. Rainman announces a character. Everyone gets excited about it and starts posting thier wish list of accessories and posting reference pictures. Then Rainman does whatever he wants. Sometimes he makes a change/correction but often he doesn't. People throw money at him anyway. Then when everyone gets thier figures they post pictures with apologies about how it looks better in hand. Rinse and repeat. I can appreciate the artistry, time and talent it takes to produce something like this. I'm sure Rainman and his team earn thier money. For what he charges in my opinion this should have been more refined. I can't image what kind of excuse can be made for the oversized head and undersized gun. That being said if buyers are happy that is all that really matters. I'm as guilty of defending artist/projects I like as anyone in this thread, so this is an observation more than a critisizm. Friendly debate is what makes the web go around.
Lol....this troll. My last post makes no mention of me taking offense. I'm ssyilg you should expect to be direspected given that you are not showing respect to other peoples not being used to your culture.
Seriously man, get the F out if you can't show some respect. You come in here saying we are ********* because you got the better figure for less. This has NOTHING to do with cultural understanding. You simply came in and bashed people, then when Army threw you a pass you acted all high and mighty playing the "culture card". Like hell that was your initial intent.
in my opinion vince head is not amazing like others his works,you don't think so? fine.. kill me.....but I will think in the same way ever..
is my opinion.... I have to free write it..no trolling... opinions....
Saying it once is an opinion. Saying it fifty times is trolling.
You have it futz well but there's no hiding it's small. You can see it clearly the last pic. Look at the giant gap between the handle and his thumb. The handle should be sitting snug where his thumb meets his hand![]()