Some dude on OSR on facebook "Carlos Sixth Scale" was somewhat boastful about how he had $10,000 cash to spend on a figure and was essentially dissing Rainmans VIP system.
Very well could have been him. However maybe he is already a well known poster here and I don't know it?
Lee confirmed that he is addressing the changes to pants and hat right?
Still shaking.... from over an hour ago.
Soooooo.....what did I miss?![]()
Looks like someone bought those Jules sets tonight, as well.
i dont understand that people who cannot pay in next 7 days why do they buy it. There are many a times i run out of funds but i dont go around just buying it ...
i cancel hot toys all the time but its like they have 10 months and if something imp comes up i cancel 1 vs another. but with a 7 day policy why would anyone wanna buy something and then cancel it...
i call it impulse buying...
i understand that if someone wanted a full and then cld snag h+c and wants to change. what i cant understand is just buying it without plan for funds...
Anyone not wanting to pay and are willing to let me buy their spot....let me know...I will even give something extra....
i still still can't believe the kiddy system Lee has....time to invest in something that is efficient...:-/
Theyre usually buying them hoping to come up with the funds before time runs out
well... i understand. i am not against anyone selling theirs. if it was not for a very nice fellow freak i wld never have had my first rainman figure to begin with. i just feel that i know things can change between a month or 6... pregnancy, medical spends, tuition, hardship etc etc but for a 7 day pay plan one must pretty much have those $. i cldnt collect enough for DX set due to BRBA (which i have no clue how i will fund) and also as we just delivered a baby, so i dont even log in to try and buy a dx (full had just a pipe and i aint paying 340 bucks for a pipe). Even this is a stretch for me but i do feel bad when someone looses a set and someone else just buys it without any plan etc... but again may be i am being too hard. everyone has the right to buy. what they do later is no ones business. Its still shame that i had it in my cart 100 times i think and i still had to buy a head without certificate and cough up 20 bucks more... and still dont have an order conf email... (which i hope what AJK and Kara are saying is right that i will get it in a day or so)
It is frustrating for sure with all the empty cart issues. And dont sweat the head seperate issue, you will not get a cert for just the head even if you buy a H&CS set together. The only difference between them is one cert will says Clothes the other says H&Cand yes you will get an e-mail. If not just make sure on order status is says order complete. Congrats on tge baby too and on grabbing Bill!
Thanks bud! ... Will have a sigh of relief when i see that order conf and or the email... My wife is beating me now as i had run away from Friday night baby duty due to mr rainman...
Well if you gave him thousands and thousands then you have dealt or heard of this cart problem before and shouldn't act like its something new and keep commenting on it, we all know about it, we all dealt with it...
Ha ha you have 18 years to help raise a kid , but you only have a few minutes to score a grail like Bill V2
That's because people are too busy singing his praises to be honest with him, I sent him a pm on his website stating the bloody obvious , and this was my first experience dealing with it. Customer service like I said is not a necessity when you sell out in 5 minutes. Yes I am bitter but I am over it, I'll keep my money and spend it elsewhere. I know a lot of you will think I'm a but I am just saying what others people wont. The people stating " oh, its always like that, its luck of the draw" all seem to have gotten their orders through. So with that i m done whining, and will now go ***** about Michael Bays Ninja Turtles. I love this site for this very reason, too see how passionate we are about our art, please don't hold my words against me.