I saw it too and thought the soundtrack was brilliant, one of the best I've ever heard. Can not say the same about the film though. It had it's moments for sure but seemed to be all style and no substance to me. I could have taken it for what it was and enjoyed it as a cool action/suspense thriller if it didn't just try to damn hard to be an art film and ultimately fell flat.
There were a few scenes in there that actually made me cringe, as if it was done by someone who just graduated from film school. The elevator scene was one of them. The plot was just too cliched and the main character too devout of without identity or real substance to warrant how hard they tried to go all art house on it. It should have pulled back a bit and I would have respected it a bit more. No one's going to leave this movie calling you a genius Nicolas Winding Refn , you're not the Cohens... stick with what works for you.
That being said all in all it was definitely worthy of watching, perhaps even twice. Worthy of a Rainman figure? I think there is far too deep a well of tried and true icons that need treatment before he even touches this. Just my opinion of course, he'd make anything he does amazing of course but I don't think it's worthy of a figure quite yet.
My drive rating 7/10 Good, suffers a bit of an identity crisis but a cut above anything else you will see in the theater this month.