I have an unpainted head of Rainman's Eagle Eye.... I am not going to paint it so send me a pm if anyone wants one!
Don't do any business with him! He's a recaster and an ahole and he has now thankfully been banned again.
Don't do any business with him! He's a recaster and an ahole and he has now thankfully been banned again.
Don't do any business with him! He's a recaster and an ahole and he has now thankfully been banned again.
what body would you guys recommend on an eagle eye bash? was thinking to use the TT narrow, but now i'm realizing that the upper part of the chest will be showing and--since rainman made his own chest piece which i cant buy--now i'm thinking maybe a TTM19 (which i fear would be too bulky or maybe a kaustic slim?
Thanks man!!! Don't worry I have already been warned by a fellow boardie .., what a scumbag recasting on Rainmans hard work ...........
SOB. Damnit, I feel used. Too good to be true. Well, I should have known... unfortunately I have the piece coming but it will never be used and will be promptly destroyed. Back questing for an authentic head! Sorry guys for putting gas on the fire...
I paid through paypal, so should I open a case?
SOB. Damnit, I feel used. Too good to be true. Well, I should have known... unfortunately I have the piece coming but it will never be used and will be promptly destroyed. Back questing for an authentic head! Sorry guys for putting gas on the fire...
I paid through paypal, so should I open a case?
I used a ttm19 body, it works pretty perfectly tbh.
Rainman head is a bit on the big side anyway.
Here's the one I made for galactiboy
yeah i got took too. guess that comes with being new to this sixth scale game. feel like an @$$#*!& because i probably should have realized something was up. but i just wanted one so much and when the first option i was chasing fell through, and then i got a pm about it--i jumped at it. its not the money that bothers me, $83 isnt the whole world, but its that i both wanted the rainman piece and don't want to do him dirt as he's been so nice to me despite whatever nuisance i might have caused him with my Milkshake Man order.