Ooooh baby! I'm excited and nervous equally for this one. I'm so pumped that this is finally happening but I hope he can bring that gritty edge like Bill and Anton has and not make the sculpt too soft.
I don't see why anyone would discourage a DX

. If you don't want the extras then you could always get a regular set or an H&C but the best way to handle the release is offer a spread that covers everyone's taste. And definitely don't discourage more accessories!!! Saying "I just want Jack with an axe" is letting The Man off easy!!

He's not going to make the set cheaper if he just offers a basic figure with an axe (nor will it change the final result of the sculpt) so let him make the set special with the usual amount of inclusions for the usual price. Let's not stop him from doing what he does best.
I can't see how this isn't DX material. There hasn't been one release of Jack so far that didn't come with 2 sculpts. Even Snyderman is offering 2 separate versions. I would think that two expressions for Jack would be the biggest no-brainer given possible and I'm surprised that some folks see it otherwise. I'm interested in Danny + trike too. Turbo has a good idea to make that a separate add on. A regular & DX Jack release with Danny as an add on covers everyone’s wants
My vote for accessories would be axe (real metal head), whiskey bottle & glass, typewriter
(secret item). DX could be an alternate sculpt and Danny could be an add on. This way the people who want it all have the option and the folks who want to go lighter can.
For the sculpts I'd say a crazed, teeth showing, here's Johnny-esq look is a given; I think a good counterpart to that would be something like the pic in the first post. Something with a slight smirk and a little dazed out. So one mildly whacky portrait and one off the chains, stark raving mad