Rainmans Dr. Huckleberry

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Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

And how can I access the rainman site? I registered a couple days back but I still can't login. And another thing, when's the release date?
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

From my understanding,
Fullset: the proto with hat with now added sweat. small metal cup
DX: The proto, plus non hat "Pale effect" extra sculpt. small metal cup.

Rainman's english is not great and by saying "pale effect", I believe he is saying a different color scheme that truly gives him that sickly look, probably with the discoloration around the eyes.

I think there's a misunderstanding cause since rainman's english is not great, when he describes it as "pale effect", people assumed the fullset is now gonna be painted differently and wont look like the proto, possibly with a regular paint scheme.

by the way, even if rainman went with a different color scheme, and not made it pale, here is a sample where I enhanced the saturation so its much livelier but I added the pinkish around the eyes. Still looks sick.
So, if Rainman truly did make the sculpt not as pale as the proto, have a customizer add the pink around the eyes if the sculpt is not pale. You'll have a harder time finding a customizer though who can do this same sweat bead effect.

untouched photo of proto.

enhanced saturation to show a livelier skin tone but I added more pinkish tone around the eyes in photoshop.

with even more enhancement of saturation and red hue.
So even if the paint scheme did get changed so its not pale anymore, with a custom
paint around the eyes can make him still look sick.
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Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Remy, and I am now sorry got being harsh, but you have completely missed the point so stop beating on peoples logical discussion on what could be a prudent issue.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Its all good Snake. :duff
I did not miss the point though. I understand completely.
Basically there's a misunderstanding of what rainman meant when he said "pale effect", where it could mean the full set wont be pale, and would have a livelier paint scheme.
Hence, my photo sample above to show that even if rainman went that route, you can still make it look sick with the sweat beads.
I tried not make a comment at first until I started seeing the recommendation of this time leaving the the sweat off again.
Perhaps, it would have been in order to inquire with Rainman first about what he means about "pale effect", before suggesting to leave it off again.
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Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

I always though he looked pale enough in those proto pics, best thing rainman can do is leave the paint like that for the full set with the addition of the sweat beads and go even sicker then he had planned with the dx sculpt by making it even paler and add those red bags under his eyes, hell that's what he might have planned it could have simply been misunderstood.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

I always though he looked pale enough in those proto pics, best thing rainman can do is leave the paint like that for the full set with the addition of the sweat beads and go even sicker then he had planned with the dx sculpt by making it even paler and add those red bags under his eyes, hell that's what he might have planned it could have simply been misunderstood.

That is precisely what I got out of his message. Why would he all of a sudden now change the paint scheme of the proto? He never even mention anything about changing the proto at all other than adding the sweat. He just said the fullset wont get the "pale effect" of the DX.
To me, it means either literally it would be paler than the fullset Or he meant not literal, and meant paler as in Sickly effect, with the possible even paler but with paint also around the eyes.
I dont see anywhere in the message where he mentions he will now change the paint scheme of the proto.
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Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

The prototype looks good to me. I think it is pale enough and the sweat added to it looks fine.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Hi~I need to show this photo.
I use Nikon camera that i haveb been useing since 5 yers ago.
The camera showen different color sometime.

can you see under photo~?
I got casted head sample yesterday.
but they casted by other color.:monkey2
I wanted show final samples.. sorry.

I will paint pale head-->bright than normal full set.
you can feel by photo.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Hi Rainman,

The picture is not showing. Could you upload it again?
Thank you though for clarifying that the fullsets would be lighter in color (paler) than usual fullsets. :)
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Rainman told me to post this pic for him:


I haven't read the new comments, so this is what rainman told me to explain.

The DX head will be WITHOUT HAT (like the sculpt you see that is unpainted), and pale skin tone to show him being sick.

The paler skin tone is noticeable on the image IMO.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Thank you cheungkinmen.
The fullset is light enough to look sickly. Very cool.
And very glad that Rainman changed his mind and adding the sweat to the fullset cause it its very much vital to his look.
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Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Rainman also told me:

- FULL SETS head:

* Sweating effect
* "Healthy" skin coloration (like the picture above)

- DX SETS head:

* Sweating effect
* Pale skin color feeling
* Hatless

BTW, He can't log into the forum, so I'm helping him out.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

:clapgreat to hear we can get a head and cloth set thats what im after
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

I still don't think people will be happy with that, If I were going for the full set the hatted head on the right there is how I'd want him to look, the skin tone should be that pale for the standard sculpt, he looks far to healthy for the stage of the film this figure is based on and like someone said earlier sweat + that healthier skin tone looks more like he is sweating from the heat rather the the tb, I feel for those of you going for the full set, this would have been pissing me off big time.

If he wants the dx head to differ from the regular he should add those red bags under his eyes, that and the hair is enough to make it different enough.

Edit: I will shut up now, I'm going for the head and clothing so I don't have much right saying what should/should not be in these sets.
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Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

So JOhnny, if you can clarify--the DX set is the same as the full set, apart from the extra hatless head that is painted differently, right? No one will be getting a "sick" hatted head, in other words.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

lets just be happy we are getting a minature val kilmer, as the positives easily outweigh the negatives(if there ) are any,
...sweat or not
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

I'm happy!!!
For me, specially seeing the two side by side, it is necessary to have the sweat. Without it, it's almost practical to just get painted head set. The sweat effect by rainman is unreal. Definitely makes it worth it now going for the fullset.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Great to see rainmans explanation. I don't see what people are/have been complaining about. The sweat effect is amazing and the same can be said for the sickly head.

If I had that kind of money I wouldn't think twice about ordering. Although it would be nice to know whether or not he will be making Wyatt to go with Doc.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

So JOhnny, if you can clarify--the DX set is the same as the full set, apart from the extra hatless head that is painted differently, right? No one will be getting a "sick" hatted head, in other words.

I would like clarification on that too if possible please?

Will the dx sets hatted head look more sickly thanthe Reg fullsets hatted heads?
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

No he is saying the hatless head will get the pale treatment. The hat head for the reg and dx will be the same reading between the lines again.