Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry
From my understanding,
Fullset: the proto with hat with now added sweat. small metal cup
DX: The proto, plus non hat "Pale effect" extra sculpt. small metal cup.
Rainman's english is not great and by saying "pale effect", I believe he is saying a different color scheme that truly gives him that sickly look, probably with the discoloration around the eyes.
I think there's a misunderstanding cause since rainman's english is not great, when he describes it as "pale effect", people assumed the fullset is now gonna be painted differently and wont look like the proto, possibly with a regular paint scheme.
by the way, even if rainman went with a different color scheme, and not made it pale, here is a sample where I enhanced the saturation so its much livelier but I added the pinkish around the eyes. Still looks sick.
So, if Rainman truly did make the sculpt not as pale as the proto, have a customizer add the pink around the eyes if the sculpt is not pale. You'll have a harder time finding a customizer though who can do this same sweat bead effect.
untouched photo of proto.
enhanced saturation to show a livelier skin tone but I added more pinkish tone around the eyes in photoshop.
with even more enhancement of saturation and red hue.
So even if the paint scheme did get changed so its not pale anymore, with a custom
paint around the eyes can make him still look sick.