I do owe you a debt of thanks for sure if you played some role in getting some Dudes released to the public, because that thing is the jewel in my collection. The whole VIP privilege issue can make things very difficult for the rest of us, and I think the complaints by some VIP members at the time that Rainman only promised to make 20 was a really myopic and self-serving perspective considering that they were in our shoes at one time.
Well if I didn't have a mortgage, and daycare, and savings, and a million other expenses, and if I didn't also collect Hot Toys, and Sideshow statues, and pricey 3rd party Transformers, and various other things, then I would agree with you!
I do envy some of you guys that seem to only collect customs from certain artists on the board. I wish I had that level of restraint! As pricey as they are, I would be spending a lot less money in the year if I only went after Rainman full figures.