Damn, you guys still haven't received your sh|t yet?
My order status is still unchanged, I messaged Rainman trough Facebook, hope he will get back to me soon.
Damn, you guys still haven't received your sh|t yet?
My order status is still unchanged, I messaged Rainman trough Facebook, hope he will get back to me soon.
Damn, you guys still haven't received your sh|t yet?
I'm getting the same thing, I am sure allot are.
I'm not even going to worry about it, I'm sure its on the way.
Next week I will worry.
Quick question for H+C owners: H&C sets include the foam body padding? Do H+C sets come with anykind of RM certifications? What is the headsculpt / neck situation (is it drilled to fit a HT neck peg?). Mine is still in customs sigh...
I have no idea how you got yours so quickly JP. Korea to NYC in 3 days (2 of them being the weekend) is nuts! I could understand if you where in LA isn't that the main hub for mail coming into the US from asia?
Your postal service works fast ours in the UK sucks big time. Our customs like to hold onto things for as long as possible, they had Wonka for 7 days and the Dude for 9 with me hate them with a passion
Its weird NYC seems to be king in this dept! I remember when Beto shipped out Fluffy from Mexico and I got it in 2 days where as Emarae who is in Cali (right next to Mexico) and had to wait almost 2 weeks!
He is including the foam vest with the H&Cs. They come with a specific H&C COA. The full sets come with a gold COA and I believe these come with a black one. The sculpt and neck are the same as the full sets. On the full sets he glues a magnet inside the neck and a magnet on the tip of a neck connector (or neck plug). So the sculpt is easily removable but the magnet is strong so it's not going anywhere unless you pull it off. He DOES NOT (or hasn't so far) include the magnet for H&Cs. This way you have the option of following his magnet system or just gluing the neck plug right on the neck of the sculpt.
I have no idea how you got yours so quickly JP. Korea to NYC in 3 days (2 of them being the weekend) is nuts! I could understand if you where in LA isn't that the main hub for mail coming into the US from asia?
Your postal service works fast ours in the UK sucks big time. Our customs like to hold onto things for as long as possible, they had Wonka for 7 days and the Dude for 9 with me hate them with a passion
Turbo and Chris are in NY, Chris like 20mins away from me and they both got theirs, I'm in NY like I said 20mins away from Chris, got my shipping notice when they did, yet mine says its in Seoul still... Uhhh the wait!
Did anyone that is waiting on their's, order a head or something that in addition to the figure? I assumed that is why mine is slower.
I ordered a Monkey Man head too and I didn't get mine yet
Did anyone that is waiting on their's, order a head or something that in addition to the figure? I assumed that is why mine is slower.
Mine shows it is still in Korea.![]()
I just realized what your sig said, that fits so well.