Super Freak
OSR is the name of the fb group Steve lol.

I guess I really am an idiot (According to one of the OSR posts)

OSR is the name of the fb group Steve lol.
I guess I really am an idiot (According to one of the OSR posts)![]()
I wouldn't worry about it mate if you don't own all the Iron Man figs a lot of folk think your an idiot in those parts. Great group but like everywhere there are some ****ing nut jobs!
I think 3k possibly as far as 4k is its worth so your friend got a good deal. I don't think the one sale at 6k is indicative of its value that one particular sale was a bit of an anomaly if you ask me
I'm not so sure thats an accurate statement. I just turned down a 9k offer on Ebay.![]()
I'm not so sure thats an accurate statement. I just turned down a 9k offer on Ebay.
I hope you're joking![]()
Could be a prankster, but the offer was made and I declined.
Took me a long time to get my hands on these two and its my favorite Rainman piece..
Somewhere down the line I would like to get my hands on a FS Butcher, but if I never did I am more than content having this in my collection.
Can't wait for Amsterdam though!![]()
You sir, are a mad man.
Serious dedication though, good to see in this hobby.
You sir, are a mad man.
Serious dedication though, good to see in this hobby.
Thats a very good offer and very tempting. I saw some hardcore collectors get weak at the knees with the 6k offer.
9K is looney to decline though I will admit.
Nonsense I'd have done the same9k is a lot of money but if you don't want to sell you don't want to sell.
9k dude.......
Unless something horrendous happens (god forbid) to me and my family and cash is needed instantly I'll be buried with it
Lol I know man it's a **** lot of money could buy a serious amount of 1/6th with that or even better 'real world' stuff. But I don't want or need to sell it, I believe Steve is in the same kind of position as me however he has the added problem of having a wife he had to explain his decision too lol I do not envy that. If somebody offered me 9k for mine right now I'd decline not because it's not an excellent offer but because it's not enough to make me part with a figure that means a lot to me. I have a fairly large 1/6th collection and Wonka with Oompa is the corner stone of that collection. Unless something horrendous happens (god forbid) to me and my family and cash is needed instantly I'll be buried with it
Looks fantastic Steve .
Looks familiar Steve.![]()
So why is it that Rainman didn't paint the Oompa hair green? Mine was grey.