Just rewatched the final battle scene, and you are right.
He wore the grey pants with that sex tank top.
So I'm a bit confused now, which version is rainman gonna give us; the first scene of the final battle, like what inae did? (mink coat, orange netted tee, maroon pants, loafers and oakley juliet shades)
last scene, with mink coat, sex tank top, old v1 grey pant and loafers.
Kinda hard to pick one, but I think he's gonna go with the first scene, as its easier to make, and at least its a different pants than the v1 tyler he gave us.
And also, whats he gonna make of the red shades though? is it gonna be a separate piece then? I hope he could also give us those track pants, boots and some bunny slippers
Man, I'm excited