Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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:bounce playing the waiting game now guys, keep checking parcelforce every 5 minutes ha ha :bounce

got my narrow type sitting here waiting

arrived at london heathrow! I should now get this tomorrow come on!!!

I know I keep asking this, but has anyone gotten this yet? I am behind in this thread and do not feel like looking through 175 pages. Though I did read someone should have it soon
I think you are gonna be the first one to get it, manji.

Please be sure to take lots of pics to ease up the pain for those of us who have yet to receive it :lol

Its not left Heathrow yet, i will be going bed shortly so hopefully when i wake up its out for delivery but in my experience it needs to be out for delivery before now to receive it the next day, i got a bad feeling it could be saturday now :monkey2
yours is pretty fast mate, compared to the others here.

Mine is still:

KOREA (REP) KR 2010-01-27 18:08 Posting/Collection
KOREA (REP) KR 2010-01-28 07:37 Departure from outward OE


Date Time Location Tracking Event
28-01-2010 21:06 Heathrow Airport Arrived at destination country
28-01-2010 08:43 Delivery Agent - SEOUL - PTT Left origin country
27-01-2010 18:08 Delivery Agent - KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Collected from customer

The thing with customs is that its unpredictable. Envelopes normally takes like a day, while packages might take 2-3 days :(

I miss the good ol days when I could go to the custom office and retrieve packages there.
No one has it yet, edward. But rainman has shipped these since wednesday afternoon, so it should be arriving to some people this week, but most should have it by next week.