Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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I'm thinking Norton will come with what Valuable accessories ,the price should be same as Pitt ~ anY idea?
Except I think you also need to take into account that RM made a cool $14,000.00 from just the full sets, not counting the HS and clothing sets. For them being anything less then perfect I think he needs to welcome some critism especially since he's now working on a 2nd version of the same character.

I doubt anyone is driving him away when he's rolling in cash like that.

I am not wanting to get into a mass argument about this but i do feel strongly about reading two to three pages of posts slagging some guys artwork and its not about money! Money aside this is a great figure and one alot of us are showing the grace and gratitude to own. Now nobody forced me to buy this i bought it because i loved it and surely thats why the others bought it no?

I actually said at one point at the beginning i was out because i didnt like it, but i didnt say that and i didnt slag the guy off post after post i resigned gracefully! I was then back in once the likness improved but my point is please be respectful of Rainman and try and show a little more appreciation. You have a 1 of 20 figure! Be proud of it! And you have a unique shirt 1 of 1 thats uber cool in my book
My two cents now.

People can complain, yes.

But they don't need to go on and on and on and on. A few "I don't like it" is okay in my book, but don't go "I don't like it" "I agree" "Yeah it sucks" and so on.

Give your opinion and move on. You don't need to keep repeating your own opinion.
No ones doing that, you guys need to visit the Aldo thread if you want to really see that. Thats only a $150 figure taking heat left and right, not because anything's wrong with the likeness or clothes, but because his mouth is open intead of scowling. That is truely retarded.

Here you have a figure four times as expensive with arguably alot more flaws. Obviously its going to get some negative response, your not being realisitic if you think otherwise. Especially when the thread is being bumped every 10 minutes. A few people said they didn't like the shirt, I think some people are being overly sensitive because they spent so much.

The reason I feel the right to say anything, is because I hope to see V.2 improved.
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I too am not thrilled about the differing patterns on the shirt. I was hoping for more consistency. But as far as accuracy goes, it's impossible for anyone to get that pattern 100% even with custom printing.

Zuno, what kind of camera do you use? Those pictures are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

My camera is Nikon Coolpix S630. 12 Megapixel and 7x zoom.
It's simple and cool... :lol
BTW, I spend lot of time to setting up the lights... :rolleyes:

I'm kinda surprised at all the negativity here...
The figure looks pretty much exactly like what was shown on the prototype, except for the shirt.

I mean, I never intended on ordering one because I don't see the likeness, but those who ordered it knew what it would look like and agreed to buy it. It's not like the head sculpt magically changed.

But anyway, since I didn't order one I probably should shut up and let you guys do the talking.
I'm planning on giving it a go. We'll see what I can come up with.
I bought the clothing and hs set but have not received any notification yet. Has that started shipping yet?

Most are shipped, check the site itself to check, should have the tracking number over there.
Except I think you also need to take into account that RM made a cool $14,000.00 from just the full sets, not counting the HS and clothing sets. For them being anything less then perfect I think he needs to welcome some criticism especially since he's now working on a 2nd version of the same character.

I doubt anyone is driving him away when he's rolling in cash like that.

I think it works both ways.... people who did buy this should be allow to critque the final piece with valid dislikes..... say for instance the shirt...

other guys who didn't buy who insist on slamming the likeness of the headsculpt should just keep it to themselves.
I think the main problem here is that rainman set the bar so incredibly high with his three gunmen figures. Not to say his tyler isn't a beautiful figure, but, it is slightly under par compared to his past work in my opinion. that said, I defy anyone who says any other 1/6 customizer could do a better job.
Yeah suprised at you bud thought you were going to be all over the df studio head and clothes set! that said lets be honest the paint up from Josh is not going to be shoddy is it :lol you will have a serious head there mate

Can't believe your having problems getting it shipped to you mate, in the future if you want to ship it to me and then i will send onto you i am more than willing to do that for you

cheers tim

Must admit I do regret it, but as you said, Josh will work his magic. :D

Thanks for the offer by the way bud, much appreciated.
Must admit I do regret it, but as you said, Josh will work his magic. :D

Thanks for the offer by the way bud, much appreciated.

Yeah no worries at all dude, if you want to go for Norton or Marla or any Rainman stuff in the future just ship it to me if you like and i will send it on the same day i get it. Don't wanna rub salt in the wounds but i get mine tomorrow :banana so bloody excited now!!!
if it helps i really regret not going the extra mile now and getting the Rainman Ltd figure. It looks amazing!!!
cant remember now but do we get the fight club soap with the painted head and clothes set or was that just for the rainman exclusive?