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Another good movie commentary was the ones from Back to the Future... It was director commentary, but it was VERY interesting. It would have been nice to hear from Michael J Fox though...
Off topic, but the Blood Simple commentary was one of the strangest and best that I've listened to.
I'm a huge Rambo and Rocky fan, and in my opinion this is a great Rambo collectible for the $289 price point. If you guys want a better likeness to Stallone you'll probably going to be looking at $1500 - $2500For $289 this is fine, after reading all the posts about this i've come to the conclusion that a lot of collectors expect high quality but when it comes to paying for it, that's whole other story.

The cost to manufacture this piece is probably between $50 - $75, that's it. Am in business and most businesses need to have an 80% mark up to see a profit that makes since to manufacture something and put it in the market place. So you're looking at something that cost Sideshow $75 tops to make. If all the quality issues that were brought up were addressed, Sideshow would be charging you over $1,000+, if you have deep pockets, fine, but the majorty of the collectors don't have that kind of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
I' going to have to argue the likeness-price correlation. Yulli did an amazing job on Rambo 3 and M65 and those were $100 figures. Price doesn't have a huge impact to likeness at this level of collectible.
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can look at this and see that it's not Stallone. Perhaps the expression they chose just doesn't translate well into a sculpted 3-D rendition of the character. IMO, the problem, as usual, is the paint job. It just seems caked on. When half of the piece is flesh-toned poly, you'd think more care would be given to accentuating the body and highlighting details rather than muddling everything up. Because of that it looks more like a caricature of Stallone (like Godfather or Scarface) rather than a realistic depiction. It's not a horrible piece, but it definitely could have turned out better.
Taking my photos, I found one thing I'm sure throws th likeness for some and it's th lack of stubble, and Rambo has a fair ammount in the movie, but that's trick to paint and not have look like a full beard so I'm glad they left it out.
I' going to have to argue the likeness-price correlation. Yulli did an amazing job on Rambo 3 and M65 and those were $100 figures. Price doesn't have a huge impact to likeness at this level of collectible.

Price makes all the difference in everything in life. You said price doesn't have a huge impact at this level of collectible! It's a $289 price point statue, it's not a high end collectible with museum quality artistic talent behind it, sorry but that's the truth.
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can look at this and see that it's not Stallone. Perhaps the expression they chose just doesn't translate well into a sculpted 3-D rendition of the character.

I've been looking at MaulFan's photos and I have to say it's definitely the expression that throws it off. Looking past that I see Stallone for sure.
I'm buying this great piece and I like to take this moment to thank all the people that canceled their orders, it's now back to preorder status because of all the cancellations.
I'm buying this great piece and I like to take this moment to thank all the people that canceled their orders, it's now back to preorder status because of all the cancellations.

That's really not a good thing, because it harms the chances of Rambo products from Sideshow in the future. They shot the license in the foot with this PF. :monkey4 :monkey2
Well, you really have no-one to blame but yourself if that's the case. :nana:

Why should we blame ourselves if a product is not up to a standard that Sideshow normally meets?
I think this more unfortunate than anything else, because we all knew this project had sooooo much potential.
Why should we blame ourselves if a product is not up to a standard that Sideshow normally meets?
I think this more unfortunate than anything else, because we all knew this project had sooooo much potential.

:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

The onus is not on us to drop $300 on something if we're not happy with it. The onus is on Sideshow to produce a product that a majority of its targeted consumers are happy with. And that didn't happen here.
Taking my photos, I found one thing I'm sure throws th likeness for some and it's th lack of stubble, and Rambo has a fair ammount in the movie, but that's trick to paint and not have look like a full beard so I'm glad they left it out.

Right, but.....it can be done and done well. This was the same situation with the Highlander Modern Connor figure Sideshow released. Christopher Lambert had some hefty stubble throughout the movie, but this was left out completely on the 1/6 figure. I think the decision not to include stubble on connor was more forgivable because the figure was released years earlier and it was also at a $40 pricepoint.
For what can be done by todays artists and at $290 MSRP the stubble should have been included and done well.
:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

The onus is not on us to drop $300 on something if we're not happy with it. The onus is on Sideshow to produce a product that a majority of its targeted consumers are happy with. And that didn't happen here.

Agreed whole heartedly. I'd also say, generally speaking, that personally I see those who are willing to reward mediocrity as a bigger threat to the ongoing drive towards higher quality pieces than those who expect top notch quality for their hard earned. If customers are willing to settle for less then where's the incentive for a manufacturer to get it right and strive for excellence? After all, they'd get the same cash either way. Hell, they'd probably make more money on producing lower quality pieces if they can get away with it and they still sold just as well...

If you like a piece, great. And it doesn't matter if you are the only one that does happen to like it, or if you're part of a general consensus on the quality of a given piece, if you like it then it's worth you cash, end of story. But collectors should never just 'settle' for something they know in their hearts is second rate or not up to standard, nor should they ever be encouraged to do so just to 'support' a line or a license or a manufacturer. For most of us money isn't easy to come by, so it should be spent wisely, and rewarding mediocrity in purchasing a piece that you aren't truly happy with is never money wisely spent.

My view anyway.
come on guys, this PF is not as bad as most of you say:)
If you consider how much merchandise is produced for example for terminator movie 1-3 beside all Rocky/Rambo movies:dunno

For me the likeness is still not bad, also not the best, but it`s for all Rambo/Stallone fans a big possibility to get the first PF from the Stallone movie. Seeing that there are some 1/6 figures, Legendary scale busts and a mini rambo bust, this PF is finally a step into a bigger scale:clap:clap

Thanks to the great photos of MaulFan i am now even more happy to get my ex.Version soon:yess:
Price makes all the difference in everything in life. You said price doesn't have a huge impact at this level of collectible! It's a $289 price point statue, it's not a high end collectible with museum quality artistic talent behind it, sorry but that's the truth.

Yes, and for $300 and less, there have been some amazing products out there. Look at the collecting market, you don't have to break the bank to have good likenesses. While I don't agree with how bad some people are making this PF out to be, I acknowledge how great a job at depicting Stallone Yulli did with her sculpts for Hot Toys, Trevor Grove does amazing sculpts for other Sideshow PFs and figures, as does Andy Bergholtz and Tim Miller and Kojun. The things people are asking for this PF to be are within the range that this piece costs and has been demonstrated by other pieces that cost the same or even less.

If you want to think people are being harsh on this piece go ahead, but what they're looking for isn't unreasonable at the pricepoint of the piece.

That's really not a good thing, because it harms the chances of Rambo products from Sideshow in the future. They shot the license in the foot with this PF. :monkey4 :monkey2

Well, fortunately, Rambo's more of a piece here and there type of license so I don't think even if this ends up struggling, it means the end of Rambo. Rambo's not one of those licenses that if you got enough momentum, you could go nuts with, even with amazing products, there's a limited demand for products out there. I think we'll see more out of Sideshow in the future, maybe not soon, but then, there were years between the LSB and this PF. As a Rambo collector, I'm used to products being scarce from this film series.

I fail to see where I even remotely indicated that to be the case.

"I want, what they want, and every other fan of the movies with eyes in their heads and money to spend, wants! For Sideshow to sculpt rambo just as well as they sculpted him! (points to Indiana Jones Premium Format statues) That's what I want!"

Reads to me like you're saying anyone that likes these movies and isn't blind can't like this piece.

Agreed whole heartedly. I'd also say, generally speaking, that personally I see those who are willing to reward mediocrity as a bigger threat to the ongoing drive towards higher quality pieces than those who expect top notch quality for their hard earned. If customers are willing to settle for less then where's the incentive for a manufacturer to get it right and strive for excellence? After all, they'd get the same cash either way. Hell, they'd probably make more money on producing lower quality pieces if they can get away with it and they still sold just as well...

Mediocrity is subjective, one man's trash is another treasure. Just because a group feels a piece is mediocre doesn't mean those liking it and buying it support mediocrity, it means in their eyes, it's good. No one is right or wrong, if you're not happy with stuff, then just don't buy it, and who cares if something's not made to your standards, it's money saved. Is it absolutely necessary for everything you could ever want to be made be made and to your standards, sometimes it just doesn't happen.

I'd love a 1:1 bust of Arnie from T2, but to me the Sideshow bust didn't cut it, do I call it mediocre or feel like they're not living up to their potential, no, it just doesn't do it for me and I move along with my life.

This PF has shown me a lot of people acting like they feel this entitlement to have all their collecting dreams fulfilled and rip into companies when they don't come through for them, it's not their fault your needs aren't met, other peoples needs probably are being met. That's life, sometimes you get what you're after and sometimes you don't, but it's no one's fault.
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This PF has shown me a lot of people acting like they feel this entitlement to have all their collecting dreams fulfilled and rip into companies when they don't come through for them, it's not their fault your needs aren't met, other peoples needs probably are being met. That's life, sometimes you get what you're after and sometimes you don't, but it's no one's fault.

That's all well and good, but what isn't subjective is that these companies are businesses who follow the rule of supply and demand. And if some of these Rambo PFs end up collecting dust in the Sideshow warehouse (which I expect many well, despite the low ES) then that is indicative of the company not satisfying the consumer with their product. I spend $5,000+ a year on Sideshow products. And I'm a huge RAMBO fan. I have every right to be disappointed in this piece, and express such. Clearly, the majority on here who were once stoked for a Rambo PF are not happy with the resulting product. That's just the shakes. As they say, "it is what it is"...

Sean, I do think you might be taking it a little too personally, though. Obviously, you're elated with this piece. And that's great. You won't see me (or hopefully anyone else) saying you're "dumb" or anything remotely like that because you're happy with it. To the contrary, I'm happy for you that you feel this way. And it's an amazing honor and achievement to have been the official Sideshow product photographer for it. Any pride you might feel is justified. And you'll never hear me say differently. Just don't let that pride be hurt by the fact that I and a lot of others here do not like this piece much at all, and thus the cancellations have started.

Some do like it, yes... but clearly the overall verdict is in, and it's that this was, ultimately, a failed attempt by Sideshow and not at all one of their better efforts or what we hoped or expected for a Rambo PF. But, eh... it happens.

It's not an indictment of Sideshow.

It's not an indictment of the license.

It's not an indictment of the opinion of anyone who does like it.

It's an indictment on the final product itself. Period.