FotR EE -- Propulsive, self-contained story with a natural climax. 10 out of 10 for me.
TTT EE -- The additional material for this one changes the whole movie for me. Huge difference. Should never have been cut down in the first place.
RotK TE -- Much as I love the Death of Saruman and Mouth of Sauron scenes, the rest of the material the EE added just didn't work for me the way the other EEs did. Gotta go with the theatrical cut on this one. People complain about the length, but it does a brilliant job of wrapping up a LOT of storylines.
FotR TE -- Great movie, top to bottom.
TTT TE -- The pacing of this one always felt a little rushed and disjointed to me. And with good reason. They left some of the best stuff on the cutting room floor.
RotK EE -- Sometimes you can have too much of a great thing. With a couple very notable exceptions, a lot of the material that what was added back just felt bloated to me.
TH:AUJ -- Solid movie. I enjoyed it, but it didn't hit me emotionally like the LotR films. Mostly because I don't find Tolkien's story nearly as gripping. For me it was a solid 7.5 to 8. Where the LotR films are all in the 9 to 10 range.