Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - 7 out of 10
Like Darklord Dave said, "it's disjointed", felt forcefully rushed in the beginning (to speed things up to how he comes to be), and there are the few eyes-rolling-back-into-the-socket moments. But you have to remind yourself, when walking into a movie with that kind of title, one has to suspend belief.
Having said all of that, some of the sets/environments are truly immaculate. The characters, the action sequences (some of the best war scenes I seen from a film that does not sell itself as one), and the way some things come together make this a very entertaining pop corn film.
Go in with low to medium expectations and you'll be very pleasantly pleased. Expect a lot, and well, you'll still get entertained, but you may think to yourself, what did I just watch? Either way, I consider myself somewhat of a movie snob and I enjoyed it thoroughly. What can I say, I have a guilty pleasure for the off beat niche films, that may prove to be unpopular to the masses.