Insufferable S.O.B.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.
It's a chick flick, why the hell are you watching it?
It's a chick flick, why the hell are you watching it?
Plus for some reason a few dudes I know think this movie rocks....which leads me to believe they arent men. But some sort of hybrid. Scary ass ^^^^ this is.
Watched it last night and I gotta agree...Gran Torino - 9/10
Definitely one of Eastwood's best performances as an actor and director.
An hour of Twilight. Jesus christ what a boring ass movie. The acting is awful, as is the effects. I dont know if I can continue....it's just so....lame.
American Psycho - 9/10
I saw around that for Twilight too for free on youtube when it was in the theatres still and I had a hard time swallowing the crap I saw... so I gladly stopped watching. Worse POC EVER! 1 out of 10. Just as bad as Charlies Angels 2.
Predator: 8/10
I've probably seen this movie 50 times, and I still love it.
Drag Me To Hell was great. Awesome to see Raimi go back to his roots.