Sorry. But ****ing hell. Everything you've said was straight up wrong. Cash grab? A cash grab that took almost 15 years to make...that Michael Bay had to get everyone on board to make paycuts, and direct two ****ty Transformers movies just to get it greenlit. Yeah. What a cash grab.
You know how much Pain and Gain costs? 20 Million bucks. That's 5 million less then Pines. You're acting like the world should be ****ting their pants over that movie, when they never would. Why the **** would assume this? Most people don't give a flying **** about films like we do. They only care about escapism.
But the funny thing is you're freaking out over a movie that got a wide release. WIDE. Over a thousand theaters. They didn't chuck it in some small little arthouse theater on the corner of Portland, Oregon where it would've made a grand total of 100 bucks. It made it's budget back already. Could do better...sure. But it was never going to be a film that would do gang busters.
Good lord