Iron Man Three. When I heard Jon Faverau was out, I was a bit disappointed. I was afraid they'd hire some hack, or some nobody off the street to cash in on the Iron Man brand. They hired Shane Black. Once I heard about that, I was excited. Automatically. Did he let me down?
Nope. Not at all. I'm a character man. Story is important, but if I don't give a **** about the players, the game becomes dull and uninteresting. The plot to this movie is alright. Evil villain, wants to do ****, evil blah blah who cares. But it's the characters that make this a film worth watching.
I enjoyed seeing some actual growth in Tony Stark's character. Although, i'll admit, the PTSD stuff was a bit forced, but still, It's a minor flaw. Still. I liked seeing him out of the suit. I liked him being a human being. It made things interesting. When he gets attacked by Fireball Extremis Lady, you're going "OH ****. How is he going to get out of this one?" He doesn't have no super deux ex machina suit for him to fall back on. Those were my favorite scenes in the film.
And lets get to the dialoge and the script. It's VERY Shane Black. Hell, you could almost say Iron Man 3 takes place years after Harry and Gay Perry parted ways at the end of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It had that smart, snappy style I wanted. But it still felt like an Iron Man film. ( I know he had a co-writer on it. But the script oozed Shane...)
Now, I read the issues on the action scenes. I enjoyed the slow build. I didn't know when the action scenes would start, or how they would even end. And they were all great all the way through. There isn't a lot of action, though. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. The film had more then enough. We got one big blown out battle at the end that capped everything. It worked. And made the film a lot more exciting then "Throw in a fight scene, throw in a car chase because there's too much talky talk". That end scene had me on the edge of my seat. Except for one single moment...the biggish one, I had no idea what was coming. (props for Rhodes being a badass, reminding me of Lethal Weapon, which Black also wrote.. Haha)
Last point. The twist. Well. I don't read comics. So I have no personal stake in the matter. But man, it made me laugh. It was so unexpected. And out there...and ballsy. So good on them. Haha.
So yes. Iron Man 3 is great. My 2nd favorite flick of the year. And I also find it odd that the only movies i've enjoyed (sans Oz) took place in Miami, Florida. Odd.