Insufferable S.O.B.
Conan the Barbarian (1982)
Wow, they don't make 'em like this anymore and they probably never will. It's amazing that a movie of this genre was ever made with such high production values and was so hardcore with the sex and violence. And what a timeless score.
I thought it was interesting to notice that it beat ROTJ to the punch for what would eventually be some very iconic images.
CTB is my my second favorite moive. Love it love it love it.
I dig Destroyer too.
And while it was not popular, Momoa's Conan was much truer to Robert E Howards. REH's Conan would not have been a slave for some 20 years and never would have wept at the foot of his enemy, as Arnolds did.
I pray to Crom that King Conan does not suck.