I think I'm the only one who never thought Michael Biehn was a good actor. I love the characters Hicks and Kyle Reese, but I've always found Biehn's acting as them to be so stale, unenthused and monotone.
Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Biehn in anything else.
Man, I thought that film was garbage. There you go, we're all different.
Well, I've thought most of the horror films I've been watching lately are garbage, so this was a pleasant surprise. I'm not saying it's a great, or even good film or anything. It succeeded in two areas that none of the others really have for me yet.
1. I was interested in the villain.
2. I was genuinely scared/creeped out at times.
Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, SAW guy, Ghostface, Leprechaun, Pinhead... Some of them are interesting characters with cool designs, some are completely boring and unoriginal (Michael, Jason), but none of them have scared me.
Leatherface scared me a bit in the first film, and the Evil Dead setting gives me chills, but the Creeper so far has frightened me the most.
Evil Dead 1&2 - 5.5/10
Army of Darkness - 4.5/10
Both Evil Dead films have a good balance of satirical humor and scare factor, moreso Evil Dead 2, but Army of Darkness had 0 scare factor and felt like a big joke to me.