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Batman: Assault on Arkham 9/10

Fun movie, super adult geared, just the Killer Frost and Harley scenes will mess some people. :lol

Love the film, it's a great one, and only my second on the DC animated front. Gonna try Son of Batman next.
I also did not care for Batman Returns. I almost walked out of that in the theater. I came *this* close to walking out when Wayne did the wiki-wiki disc scratch thing during Penguin's press conference. I was SO disappointed. I never loved the first one (just thought it was okay), and I thought Returns looked better. Boy was I wrong! I had seen the scene of Wayne and Pfeifer dancing and realizing who each were in a preview, and thought it looked really compelling and more in line with how I saw comic book stories with fully realized characters. But nope. Even that great scene didn't have the impact I thought it would because everything else that came before and after was dopey.

Yea I pretty much agree with everything you said, the script is just downright laughable. I still enjoy both movies due to nostalgia but even the most hardcore fan can see BR flaws. Pfeifer was the awesome though, but almost everything about her character didn't make sense.

Batman: Assault on Arkham 9/10

Fun movie, super adult geared, just the Killer Frost and Harley scenes will mess some people. :lol

Love the film, it's a great one, and only my second on the DC animated front. Gonna try Son of Batman next.

This is probably my favorite of the new animated films WB has been releasing. I'm hoping the Suicide Squad movie is heavily inspired by this.
The Human Centipede 1 & 2:

I really don't see how I could REVIEW this, let alone give it a score. Definitely different that what I was expecting.

I'm a very open minded person but hell, this is something else. Human torture at its most grotesque. I don't know if I could watch them again, but I just had to at least once.

And there's a # 3 in the works? Jesus. (I'm seeing it).

You watched that mess?
Batman Returns = Horrible Batman Movie
Batman Returns = Great Tim Burton Movie
Batman & Robin = Horrible Batman Movie
Batman & Robin = Horrible movie all around

That said, Batman Forever is my favorite of the original bunch of flicks. Batman '89 hasn't aged well for me. It was my favorite movie as a kid and introduced me to the character, but B:TAS and the Nolanverse are my preference for the character. I will watch B89 once a year with BR and BF but sometimes it has felt like a chore to get through.

I've been hearing Batman Forever is a favorite from the bunch from a lot of people. I don't remember the movie at all, so I can't jump on any bandwagon.

Yea I pretty much agree with everything you said, the script is just downright laughable. I still enjoy both movies due to nostalgia but even the most hardcore fan can see BR flaws. Pfeifer was the awesome though, but almost everything about her character didn't make sense.

I also really liked the Tim Buron movies as a kid, but I can't even get through them now. It's funny going back to old movies and seeing how well they hold up. I loved Temple of Doom as child, but WOOF! I couldn't get halfway through the movie. Thankfully Raiders and Last Crusade still held up for me.
The Rocketeer and Abbot and Lou Costello Meets Frankenstein were a couple of my favorite movies as a kid, and I'm wondering how those hold up. I'm not expecting them to be great, but I hope they're at least bearable!
DREDD - 8/10

Doesn't holds up as well as I'd like on the third viewing.
Some writing is very questionable, some scenes are dragging and could use more action, some minor characters terribly played.

Considering everyone involved, it's actually an awesome pilot of the TV show.
Too bad there will be no such show...
I just this minute finished watching Batman Returns. Had never seen it all the way through before. Cringey dialog, lack of characterisation, little action, very un batmanesque Batman and pretty boring. Yeah I hated It. 4/10.
Sounds like a porn spoof... :monkey4

Anything higher than 4 is a crime against humanity! :monkey3
I actually did mention quite a few negatives. :lol

How 'bout we split the difference -- 5 / 10

Not sure if I wanna buy it either. I'd only consider it to support Spidey, being that he's been my fave since munchkinhood. :lol
There was a fair bit to enjoy there, in all fairness.

The only slight problem I have with Garfield sometimes though, is that he reminds me a little too much of EPII Haydekin.

Seriously. :lol
Yeah I can see that. I mean, some things I'd have been better off without like Rhino and Electro. If they went with just Harry and his transformation to Goblin, I'd have really loved that movie. I like the action and fx, and anything with Gwen was amazing.

I also think he was funny, I got a kick out of the part when she has the interview and he goes in impersonating a professor, cause get it? :lol

Idk I love Spidey, and the costume was cool, but I agree that Garfield had that Haydenkin to it.
Yeah, the whole Marvel Studios thing. Looking forward to what that brings.

Some things really worked in Garfield's world though - stupid villains aside.
A proper ending would have been nice, though I consider that no hero film has concluded well, except for Nolan, because he knew it was to come. He kind of left it open so that if people build from it; they could. Though Spider-Man 3 and ASM2 just ended, not really properly.

Like you said Droid, it'll be cool to see what Marvel brings, but still would've liked an ending with Garfield still. Shame, oh well, at least we can still expect another Spidey within the next 2 years.
License to Kill - 7/10. Didn't like it as much as The Living Daylights. Some of the darker stuff was a bit overdone, with some stuff that bordered on the ridiculousness of the late Roger Moore era.
Batman and Robin 10/10 as Good as ever :clap

:lol jk
Hunger Games MockingJay PT1
decent movie, probably shouldnt have been split but whatever....... 7/10